What happened to Kanye?

um, Hitler killed millions of my people and wanted to wipe us off the planet entirely, so if I’m gonna have compassion for Hitler, is there anyone in this world that I shouldn’t have compassion for?

I wouldn’t have compassion for Hitler at all. But Hitler is adult Hitler. Child Hitler hadn’t committed those crimes against humanity.

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I certainly don’t feel sorry for Hitler and that’s not the point I am making. That said if we don’t think about how people like Hitler come to be or what makes people like that tick we aren’t helping ourselves avoid the same types of problems in the future. The point is Hitler couldn’t cause all those problems by himself. He had to get millions of people invested in his vision. If the world understood more about mental health we would see people like Hitler and Trump for the narcissistic sociopathic people that they are instead of falling for their charisma and getting in line with their vision.

I don’t think there was any red flag in Hitler until like the very end.

Kinda similar to Trump.

I mean, Trump was a democrat and Hitler was a Catholic.

I don’t think these type of people can be predicted.

Yeah, no. Read his biography; Adolph Hitler began writing about his desire to eliminate the Jewish people when he was 30 years old, which was 20 years before the start of WWII. Mein Kampf was published in the 1920’s. His views and intentions were well known.

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Mental health was a nascent practice in the 1930’s. The problem with a narcissist is not what they believe it’s what they get praised for. Bias is prevalent throughout society. Everyone has negative biases. That’s a 100% true fact. if a narcissist in charge gets a body of people following that have similar negative biases and they get praise for encouraging or communicating that bias it can create a really bad feedback loop. Notice that Trump and his crowd has gotten incrementally more racist and extreme as time has passed. That is the feedback loop. Trump says something mildly racist and gets a bunch of likes on Twitter which encourages him. His followers hear the President validating a negative bias they have and it becomes more enshrined in their thoughts. This is the loop that goes on with people like this in leadership. This is why Hitler got worse and worse and it’s why Trump cannot be allowed to have power again.

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A relevant movie is The Boys from Brazil (1978)

you used the words “compassion” and “feel sorry for” in your post. now you’re saying you didn’t say that.

yeah, i know that hitler didn’t work alone. that wouldn’t really be possible. i already see hitler and trump as narcissistic sociopaths, so not sure what the point is here.

You’re the one who inserted Hitler into my statement above. I made a general statement. You added the Hitler.

Also if young Hitler was traumatized as a child I would feel sorry for him and have compassion for him in his youth. You should be kind to all children. That said there is no excuse whatsoever for what adult Hitler led and did. He made those choices himself and adults are accountable for their actions no matter what happened to them as children. Trauma is often on the path to evil, but it doesn’t excuse it.

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I was talking about Hitler right before you said that.

I’d still murder baby Hitler for the good of humanity.

Nah. I knew Trump was a shallow, egotistical conman from the late 80’s or early 90’s. I am sure those around him knew, just like those that made bank off of Kanye’s talent knew he has issues. They were making money (and with political Trump gaining power) so they looked the other way.

I have a hard time imagining Hitler being an ordinary kid. Or Trump. They seem like a product of being born bad humans and having bad parents that made them terrible adults. And at no point in their childhood did they deviate from that path. Maybe better parenting or counseling could have resulted in a better outcome and we never would have heard of them.

these are always easy to say in retrospect.

but the majority of weirdo kids turn out to be perfectly normal. so it’s literally impossible to tell who’s gonna turn out to be bad or good

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Didn’t Donald Trump have some less shitty siblings? Mary Trump, his niece seems cool. I assume her father wasn’t an evil prick like Donald. This makes me think that Donald Trump was just born as a shit human being.

I wasn’t replying to your message. I didn’t quote it or hit reply. I’m sorry you took it that way.