Aaa bbb


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But Iā€™ve answered all your questions too! Seems like weā€™re both happy then.


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What does it feel like to be female?

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Yay! Iā€™m glad we all agree on what it means to have a female brain <3

Mods, please close the thread.

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Note to self, Mar agrees with Anne_Roth and wants the world to know.

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Future troll/trash warning

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Im just joking. My advice was to ask the person. We canā€™t tell you what she meant.

i was worried every female on this board, would take any answer (at least from a male) the wrong way. hence the trap

I asked this question, in a relatively inoffensive way, a year ago. Read up.

Shit is that video a Robert Palmer joke? Thatā€™s hilarious.

I always thought Shania Twain was dumb, but maybe itā€™s been over my head this whole time!!!

Doesnā€™t this kind of imply what a ā€œfemale brainā€ would be?

I donā€™t know what the original poster meant.

But a ā€œfemale brainā€ would exhibit the phenotype of a typical female, in the same way ā€œfemale genitalsā€ would. It typically would have XX chromosomes in its cells, but not necessarily.

The phenotypical average differences donā€™t seem to be as well understood for the brain as for the genitals. But women are much more likely to be sexually attracted to men, and tend to self identify with women. Unless you think thatā€™s purely socially constructed, that would be ā€œfemale.ā€

Some people also argue that female and male brains are different in other ways, for example they claim that men tend to be better at spatial relations, and women at intuitive thinking. I donā€™t know the degree to which that is true, and if it is, how much is due to genetics vs environment, or even if such a distinction is ultimately possible. But the poster may have had that in mind.

Finally, there is an attack on trans people rooted in pseudoscience that claims biology tells us sex is a simple binary that in some way determines our essential nature. The implication is that being trans is an arbitrary choice that at best creates an undue burden on society, and at words confuses and corrupts children. Saying she has a ā€œfemale brainā€ may be a way to answer these charges in the same language, to kind of say ā€œthis isnā€™t an arbitrary choice, it represents who i objectively am.ā€


Thanks for the reference but this seems to me to be a different question from mine.

None of your reply makes any sense.



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You are right!

Is it a chatbot ? Is that the joke?

The sentences seem to use the component words in ways that seem to predict their form- appearing near the right words, say- but without really understanding the substance of those words.


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