What can i do with leftover gravy?

Definitely not, russian dressing is not tasty :joy:

Putin is?

Tiffany’s response was to your first post, not the picture. I am trying to delete the picture from my brain, stop bringing it up :joy:

bad link

He’s good with crackers #PutinOnTheRitz

I made turkey pot pie with some of it, and froze the rest in ice-cube forms.

I didn’t actually find a turkey pot pie recipe that called for gravy, but they all start with you making a roux, and then adding broth (and then milk) and… a roux plus broth (and drippings) is pretty much the recipe for gravy. So I substituted gravy for the flour+broth.

There are some gravy suggestions in here, quite a few refer to poutine it somewhere


Modern Wrestling originated in Greece and Italy, yet that is from Turkey


Is that a variation on a mud bath?