What are you watching (bingeing) these days?

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Thanks for the CNN Watergate recommendation. Amazing to see such a historical moment (50 years ago) all in color. Very neatly tied in with the current Trump apologists. We had a funny sound synchronization issue with CNN though.

I binged the Shape of Pasta. that was nifty

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We binged the second and third Somm movies (there are 3 movies and one TV series about sommeliers). Wine porn.

Brideshead Revisited (Freevee)

Looks like 10 episodes of this dropped. I figured it would be dripped out. No clue if more are coming.

Thanks for the update. I’ll have to wait until after vacation to watch but gives us something to look forward to.

Mormon No More on Hulu.

Halfway through Umbrella Academy season 3. Enjoying it quite a bit.

almost done for me.

not sure about elliot page’s acting. a bit cringe

Usually when I fly a fair amount, it leads to binging. In May I started Goliath. The first season was outstanding. Billy Bob Thornton was great and the rest of the cast was also solid. You can never go wrong putting Dwight Yoakam in anything. The second season was also good although the case was not as good. The third season was a better issue and included a few stars. Overall, good series to binge.

Finished “The Time Traveler’s Wife” on HBO.
Girl Kissed By Fire was the major reason to watch, though I will reluctantly acknowledge the time traveler’s physique as titillating to some.
Seems to beg for a second or further seasons. Could easily get into ages 10-18.
And, if this could be re-ordered in Henry’s path (instead of haphazardly for dramatic effect), that would be interesting.

Eventually ending with the time traveler fucking his mom to give birth to himself.

I mean, seems to be the only way he could conceivably exist. (YSWIDT?)

finishing up Stranger Things

House of Maxwell.

Well done documentary of the Maxwell family’s scandals. Robert Maxwell had been off my radar until Ghislaine came back into the news.

Terminal List on Amazon with Chris Pratt. Very intense thriller.

Finished Stranger Things 4 last week.

“Meh.” For mean, the Season grades:

1: 9
2: 8.5
3. 7
4: 6


Finished The Bear on Hulu.

All the reviews are glowing, but we found it a little frustrating. A lot of the reviews say it’s a realistic depiction of a kitchen, but my wife, a veteran of several kitchens, from fine dining to casual to greasy spoon, says there’s a bunch of hyperbole.

Some of my thoughts (spoilered):

Thoughts and spoilers

The place is supposed to be a sandwich shop. Yet it opens at 3 PM?

They make beef sandwiches AND whole pan-roasted chicken w/ mashed & veggies?

In the first episode, “Cousin” kept mentioning the pasta. So, pasta, too?

Why didn’t they just turn off the online ordering once they knew it was screwing them?

The season wrapped up WAY too neatly. How did all those wads of cash end up in the SEALED tomato cans? And since the guy died, NO ONE needed to open a can of tomatoes? Not once?

Very helpful chart.

Mind doing a similar breakdown for every other show? Kthx.

the end episodes just needed editing and tightening. but why bother, superfans want more not less. so i end out feeling like I endured the last 5 hours of it more than enjoyed it

Not surprising that Ghislaine turned out the way she did given that her dad was Robert Maxwell.