Well, At Least My Friends are Having Fun

I was more thinking that Zambia seems like the safer country to travel in as both the US and Canadian governments have travel advisories for Zimbabwe. I guess it’s probably safer than when Mugabe was in power, but it’s not somewhere I’d feel comfortable going.

I went to Victoria falls about 20 years ago from Zambia, and those warnings kept me away from the Zimbabwe side. In retrospect, i regret not having seen more of the falls, and touched for on the other side. I’m told the view is better from Zimbabwe. And from the descriptions of people who did it, the touristy areas right around the falls were pretty safe. Tourists were just too important to the locals for them to want to scare off tourists.

Of course things might have changed since then.

Everyone has their own view of how much personal risk to take and certainly there have been times in the past when visiting the Zim side of Victoria Falls was a no-go. However there may be more danger from crime in Lusaka and Harare than Victoria Falls.

The Canadian government uses 4 levels of travel advisories as per the chart below. I only now travel in countries with green and yellow level of risks. Both Zambia and Zimbabwe fall under yellow in the Canadian rating system but the US government acknowledges a higher level of risk for Zim. It is unlikely I will ever visit Victoria Falls again but if I did I would stay on the Zim side because the views are better and accept the marginal additional risk.

Per my spouse, the US now makes yellow status.

I suggested some time in Florida with friends. Nope, would take too long. Ok, we will go to Savannah for a day or two. Also no. They won’t go to the US because of mass shootings violence, covid etc

I’m not personally worried because we could blend in visually in trump territory. But they’re a full nope.

And there’s no place in Canada that’s warm right now.

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Savannah is a nice place to visit, particularly if you go at a time other than mid summer.

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Liberal SoCal is the place!

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If you’re white, the US is a pretty cool place to visit.

I prefer that last level of Canadian guidance…