Ways in which I still act like a kid

Mashed potatoes and french fries are better than all the potato products named so far

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My airfryer sits mostly unused at the bottom of our pantry. This sounds like a good reason to bring it out

Iā€™m on record here as saying I hate kitchen ā€˜gadgetsā€™ and resist them, but will concede that the air fryer and the sous vide thing were really great buys. We do a ton of things in the air fryer, and I use it really heavily in the summer so Iā€™m not using the oven when itā€™s 100Ā° outside.

That last one is especially troublesome for me because our thermostat is in the kitchen for some reason. One of these days Iā€™ll get an Ecobee thermostat with three sensors, but not today. Anywho, I guess Iā€™ll take that discussion out of the ā€˜act like a kidā€™ thread, lol.

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Yeah, this

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I let out a huge burp after half a beer!!! It felt good and the sound really carried!!!


We like to have burping contests at dinner from time to time. I taught both my children how to burp on demand.



:iatp: too

I grade the burps on a scale from 1-10. My kids try, but if Iā€™m bein honest, theyā€™re rarely above a 7.

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I still do burp contests with my kids


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Huge beer burp this evening!!!

And I just had a bowl of my good, beany chili!!! Gonna be real musical tomorrow!!!

You did huge beer burps as a kid?

Some days this works for me (especially when it comes outta nowhere):



My family ā€œspecializesā€ in fart jokes. We all partake.

our fart 'jokes'


D is all boy

Heā€™s doing his version of fart jokes. Heā€™s got two versions:

  • making fart sounds with his mouthā€¦ and laughing hysterically
  • making fart sounds by actually fartingā€¦ and laughing hysterically

I really wonder how far back this goes. This may indicate when modern humans began


[watching Bleak House]

bon: how does he die?
me: do you know what spontaneous combustion means?
bon: you fart to death?

Roz (then Mo):

fat ponies and fat giraffe

by mo

yes the green cloud is a fart

Me & Stu:

stu: (pulls up blanket) why didnā€™t you warn me?
me: what? ā€¦ oh, it must be the dog. (on the other side of stu)
me: whatā€™s the speed of fart?
stu: itā€™s quite slow

(30 sec elapses)

me: AAAAGH thats awful (pulls up shirt)

(another 30 sec elapsesā€¦i let the shirt down)

stu: we should bring the ion generator thing in hereā€¦but it would probably burn out.

(time passes)

me: okay, this time itā€™s my fault
stu: i think it may counteract

Rather than carry an empty box down the stairs, I push it off the top to watch it bounce.

I fondly reminisce about being young and flexible enough to bounce down on my butt.


we (me and my younger brother) used to ride down the stairs in our sleeping bags.


Using a tortilla chip to extract taco toppings from my keyboard.

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The stairs to the basement had walls on both sides and a door at the bottom. We used to take sofa cushions and build structures on the bottom of the stairs, then jump from the upper stairs onto the cushions, collapsing them (door was closed so we wouldnā€™t bounce out into the basement). Sometimes a sibling would be in the bottom cavity when the jumping was done.

I donā€™t do that anymore, though.

If I have string cheese I still peel it into a gazillion little strips like I did when I was a kid. The thin strips somehow taste better than a fat hunk of mozzarella.

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My dog knows the sound of string cheese being opened. We always share.