
We’re not as bad as hyenas, but that giant newborn head makes natural childbirth tricky for humans.

Before modern medicine, the death rate from childbirth was pretty high.

Naw. There’s no reflex to move when you feel something in your gut, so lying still is easy. It’s mostly not about pain, although some people have more pain than i have (it depends mostly on the shape of your colon, but also on the skill of the doctor). It’s mostly about men being squeamish about having something up their butt.

In some countries almost no one is sedated, like almost no one is sedated for MRIs in the US. In others, almost everyone is. It’s slightly safer without sedation, both because there’s some risk from sedation, and also because the doctor is less likely to perforate the colon of the patient says “ouch”.

not sure how you can compare colonoscopies to mri’s. you don’t stick anything up any orifice for an mri. i happen to enjoy most mri’s. i like being alone with my thoughts in that tube and pretending i’m dead. only mri i didn’t enjoy was on my brain, but i still wouldn’t want to be sedated for that.

The first time I did a colonoscopy I did it without sedation. They couldn’t finish because it hurt too much. Too much air build up for me to handle, not because of having something up my butt (obvi).

They’ve switched from using air to using CO2, which your tissues can absorb. So there’s less bloating and farting than there used to be.

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we’re more like trees than we thought!

Maybe we evolved from millions years of other people blowing smoke our asses?

I’ve had two colonoscopies, and IME, the worst part was the gas pain afterward, which persisted for a surprisingly long time, considering I’m typically presto blasto. The second worst part was lying around before and after the procedure with nothing to entertain me. The preparation was annoying, naturally, but I could deal. Diarrhea, gross drinks, and aberrations to my eating schedule aren’t unusual for me.

Do not reply to this post to discuss how you’ve suffered more than I.

My SiL just freaked out on her MRI, and now needs a MD to prescribe a sedative

yeah, I guess some people are claustrophobic, but still not sure how that compares to a colonoscopy. If a person is claustrophobic they should probably take a sedative. I’m not.

my wife had 3 9 lb babies (not at the same time) no epidural and on one no episiotomy.

The three kids were delivered in a total of 1 1/2 in the hospital, so not much time for drugs

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I remember in the classes at the hospital where it’s all like your “pain management strategy” and it’s like how much pain would you like today. I turned to my wife like… if this were me I’d be asking for everything they’ll give me so you do you. Next are we going to the dentist like “doc, let’s raw dog this tooth extraction!”

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Was one born in the hospital entrance?

no, but close

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My son came really quickly. Not crowning in the car quickly, but 6 hours of labor. That kind of labor HURTS because your cervix is just being quickly forced open (not to say slow labor is better, they’re all painful in their own ways, so I have been told). My doctor told me that I’d likely have a second baby movie-style given how quickly my first was. I hope to never find out.

My mom had seven kids, the second to last was a crap-we-might-have-this-baby-in-the-car baby. No thanks.

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My MiL had my wife’s brother in the car

My daughter also had her babies very quickly (hour from going to the hospital to, you’re a grandpa)

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Having seen a baby being born I don’t know why anyone would opt out of available pain medications.

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oh, and my SiL had 11 lbs of baby (in two installments)

I wanted to experience it. Also I watched some scary documentaries about epidurals and baby health. I was pregnant and hormonal.

I did the Bradley method of childbirth. I would probably do it again. It’s interesting how quickly one forgets the details of pain.

Childbirth is scary.