Vaccine Messaging

I was texting a friend in SoCal about the easing of restrictions on dining indoors. Instead of dine-in, I almost typed die-in. :dizzy_face: :crazy_face:

I feel like I am seeing a lot of news/talk about vaccine side effects. With a big focus on deaths and severe reactions. The J&J pause is further feeding into this frenzy and I fear the outcome will be a newfound anti-vax movement.

Fox News is hammering this angle (feeds into their broader narrative about liberal/government control and propaganda).

Im face palming watching this unfold… we JUST got conservatives out in the Po to start taking this thing, and now they are scaring them off.

Tucker seems pretty much all in on convincing his audience to not get the vaccine. Ben Shapiro, surprisingly, seems to quite in favor of it.

But isn’t it the Trump vaccine? I could swear that’s what I heard.


He (tucker) repeatedly states that he is Pro vaccine, then goes on to question everything about vaccines in a way to discourage their use.

he does make several points I do agree with- specifically that vaccinated people are told to continue to lockdown/mask/distance despite overwhelming evidence that vaccines are effective. But he makes this point in a way that concludes you shouldnt get the vaccine which I despise.

you can hate the messaging around vaccines and still think everyone should get one anyway.

Well, if you are only going to cover a subset of the messaging, the problem seems to be more with the messenger than the message…

I thought this was a pretty interesting video, in a sense that this kind of messaging I haven’t seen from anyone in media. And I’ve seen this stat once before but it just amazes me how many people think COVID hospitalizes a huge percentage of people. Like about 35% of people surveyed think that if you get COVID there is a greater than 50% chance you get hospitalized. Wild stuff. You can go to 2:10 in the video for that.


Thanks for sharing, nice video

NA’s not gonna like the last minute.

Oh, here’s some messaging from the self-claimed anti-racist, calling COVID “the Chinese shit”:

The thing about that stat…

spoilered for NA

While 78% of those hospitalized for covid have been overweight or obese, according to CDC stats about 74% of all American adults are overweight or obese.
FastStats - Overweight Prevalence

So while important I’m not sure that’s the “key piece of the puzzle” that Maher claims.


I agree with his point that the messaging could have been a lot better, especially when people are anxious to reduce their risk. Eating healthier and exercising more, especially while people are going to be constrained to their houses, would be great coming from someone of such authority like Fauci. A bit abusive of the stats though to claim weight is a hugely powerful predictor, as you demonstrate.

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What the hell? You are supportive of me in a weight loss thread where I’ve talked about some personal shit about myself and my weight, and then call me out for no discernible reason in an unrelated thread? Why? Just to be a dick? Were you just itching to check that box today before noon?

My issues with my doctor and not wanting to discuss my weight with him have nothing to do with denial about my health or weight. I know I’m fat. I know all the health risks that come from that. I know I have a higher risk of covid complications. Thanks for taking a very personal issue for me and deciding to air it without my consent.

I didn’t think it was that personal. I’m sorry.
I still am supportive of you. But, yeah, I can be a dick. Trying to work on that. One of my major faults.

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As to the end part, sure obese people are more likely to be hospitalized and die if they get covid, but I’m not sure skinny people are super safe from long-covid, which to me is a fate worse than death.

Please define. TIA.

Good piece. I’m shocked at the % of people who thought covid hospitalizes 50% of people who catch it. I’m at fairly high risk, and my risk is ~10%. Which is enough to scare me, but… yeah.

Weight is a powerful predictor. But “overweight” isn’t. The risk of covid if you are a little overweight is pretty much exactly the same as if you are “normal” weight. And lower than if you are underweight.

What’s predictive of covid is obesity, and especially morbid obesity. Most of the people who have died of covid were either very old or very fat. (Curiously, being overweight is less predictive as you get older, so being both isn’t a double whammy)

And that’s why there weren’t public health notices about it. Because a public health notice might motivate someone who has gained an extra 15 pounds to lose it again. But the morbidly obese already know damn well that their weight is a health problem, and knowing that it’s a problem in yet another way is not going to help them lose weight.

Long COVID - Wikipedia


why are skipping the rest?