Vaccine hesitancy

Apparently there’s a growing gender gap in Africa, with women more likely to avoid vaccination where it’s available.

Honestly I’m not sure if Covid vaccination is the best use of healthcare dollars in Africa. There are so many other endemic diseases that are higher risk to the on average much younger population there.

I mean, I think Ebola is still happening in some areas now.

I mean FFS, let’s get EBOLA under control. If that bugger mutates we’ll be wishing we were still worrying about Covid.

I don’t believe covid money is taking anything away from Ebola money. To a minor extent, they are complimentary, as developing infrastructure to deliver vaccines means you can reuse that infrastructure.

The adenovirus vaccine category (j&j, AZ) was first used in the Ebola vaccine. That was controversial, too, because there were concerns that western scientists were experimenting with a new vaccine (a whole new category of vaccine) on Africans. Weirdly, one thing that helped was that the first human use of the vaccine was a white woman who helped develop it, who was accidentally infected with a test specimen or something. She decided to inject herself with the vaccine she had helped create, and it appeared to protect her.

I wonder if i can dig up that story.

You could be right, but I think in general local healthcare budgets are quite limited, and donour pockets are limited, so I think more investment for Covid crowds out other healthcare spending.

There’s actually a lot of “new” money for covid, not just because it is a new disease, but also because people in wealthy nations are afraid of new variants developing in poor parts of the world and then attacking then at home. Global pandemics having global impacts, and all that.

My suspicion is that “new” money has caused a reduction in money for other healthcare needs in Africa.

Malaria is far more dangerous to the average person living in Africa than Covid.

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Most of the covid vaccines were developed by hijacking existing research into new flu vaccines. But some of the new developments are already being used towards Malaria research.

So… I agree that Malaria is humanity’s greatest unmet medical need. But I’m dubious that covid money will ultimately hurt that goal.

Malaria vaccine

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While it’s a big step forward, that’s a crappy vaccine with a 30% efficacy against serious disease, that requires three doses.

There’s lots of room for improvement.

When there is nothing else, 30% looks much better than nothing.


Here’s an interesting collection of data on the relative frequency of a bunch of conditions between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and between those infected with covid and those not infected with covid. It’s from Israel, so the vaccine is all Pfizer/BioNTech.

Adverse Effects after BNT162b2 Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Infection, According to Age and Sex | NEJM

My read on it is that the only risks to the vaccine that look significant is myocarditis in young men, and swollen lymph nodes in everyone. And maybe herpes in young women and older men.

And the risks of infection that look significant include myocarditis in all the groups (old and young men, old and young women) and also heart arrhythmia in those older than 40, deep vein thrombosis on those over 40, intercranial hemorrhage (stroke) in older women, heart attacks in those over 40, pulmonary embolism in every group, and Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) in those over 40.

This could go in any number of COVID-19 threads, but posting it here for the vaccine hesitancy angle: people in Europe that are vaccine hesitant are attending COVID parties in order to get a green pass (either need to have been vaccinated or have recovered from COVID). This guy went to a COVID party and died:

That strategy works really well with diseases that are not fatal.

Also, I’d say that one could easily define any gathering of non-vaxxed people a “COVID Party.” Black Friday Sales, country music concerts, every bar in Florida, etc.

You could, but these COVID parties are gatherings where they know another attendee has it and are trying to catch it. Granted it probably true somebody has COVID in any crowded indoor situation where there are a significant # of positive cases in the community.

Gosh it makes me wish there was a way to expose your immune system to a deadly virus without the ‘deadly.’ WTF science. Get on that.


As far as I know, my friend came up with this analogy. He worked for Boeing as an engineer, FWIW (I don’t actually know if he still does - we haven’t connected for many years outside of the occasional facebook post).

Then a quick comment he made, in case you need help following:

Any thoughts?


Meh. I’ve seen worse analogies, many of them here on GoA or AO, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen a weak analogy so painfully belabored.

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Yes. I was smart enough to recognize the analogy without it needing to be spelled out.

Seems more like a parable than an analogy.

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