I figured we might want a place to keep track of these and discuss them.
Here’s one that a friend posted about today: ending birthright citizenship.
He might run into constitutional issues with it, but he’s tried to make a case.
I figured we might want a place to keep track of these and discuss them.
Here’s one that a friend posted about today: ending birthright citizenship.
He might run into constitutional issues with it, but he’s tried to make a case.
I agree with the idea of the order, but I’m not sure it will pass the Constitutional challenges. I see a SCOTUS case on this coming up soon!
In addition to the plain reading of the Constitution, there are a lot of practical problems with this. How do you prove that someone’s mother was legally in the country as a tourist? As an H1B worker? People don’t keep that kind of documentation indefinitely. They certainly didn’t reliably keep it thirty years ago. So how can you prove whether a thirty year old who was born here and has documentation to that effect is still a citizen?
It reads to me like it would only impact births 30+ days in the future, not retroactively.
I hope this is all just performative pandering to the base and goes nowhere.
Trump sucks
The easiest way to reduce the number of illegal immigrants is to give them all citizenship. That way they aren’t illegal anymore.
Certainly my way of doing things is way cheaper than wasting the colossal resources it would take to deport millions of people.
So he thinks the best way to compete against a colossal juggernaut like China is to reduce the labor force?
James Ho, from before he started running for SCOTUS:
One might argue that the Constitution’s emphasis on place of birth is antiquated. The requirement that only natural born citizens may serve as President or Vice President has been condemned on similar grounds. But a constitutional amendment is the only way to expand eligibility for the Presidency, and it is likewise the only way to restrict birthright citizenship.
We begin, of course, with the text of the Citizenship Clause. To be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. is simply to be subject to the authority of the U.S. government. The phrase thus covers the vast majority of persons within our borders who are required to obey U.S. laws. And obedience, of course, does not turn on immigration status, national allegiance, or past compliance. All must obey
Common usage confirms this understanding. When we speak of a business that is subject to the jurisdiction of a regulatory agency, it must follow the laws of that agency,
whether it likes it or not. When we speak of an individual who is subject to the jurisdiction of a court, he must follow the judgments and orders of that court, whether he likes it or not.
Accordingly, the text of the Citizenship Clause plainly guarantees birthright citizenship to the U.S.-born children of all persons subject to U.S. sovereign authority and laws. The clause thus covers the vast majority of lawful and unlawful aliens. Of
course, the jurisdictional requirement of the Citizenship Clause must do something
– and it does. It excludes those persons who, for some reason, are immune from, and thus not required to obey, U.S. law. Most notably, foreign diplomats and enemy soldiers – as agents of a foreign sovereign – are not subject to U.S. law, notwithstanding their presence within U.S. territory. Foreign diplomats enjoy diplomatic immunity, while lawful enemy combatants enjoy combatant immunity. Accordingly, children born to them are not entitled to birthright citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment.This conclusion is confirmed by history.
He has since started arguing against this position as part of his SCOTUS campaign, but clearly intellectually understands what the 14th amendment says.
From the Trans people are bad order (actually it only says trans women are bad, there is no comparable rant about trans men are bad within the order):
“Sex” shall refer to an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female. “Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity.”
“Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.
“Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.
So sex is defined in terms of male and female, and male / female are defined in terms of sex. Awesome logic there. “Belonging at conception” makes no sense given the way fetal development works. And the existence of intersex people, who are vastly more common than trans people, is ignored.
Whether one agrees with the goals or not, the fact that they had plenty of time to craft the orders and still exhibited a basic lack of competence is troublesome.
As to the order itself, I haven’t read all the details. NBC is reporting that existing passports with a gender marker of X will be treated as invalid by US authorities.
We are owned by our cells, now?
And i guess this means everyone is female, since all embryos begin as females, and some of them develop into males.
Yes the at conception seems to undo the attempted logic
I mean, I’m down with that.
He also has announced that the US is renaming Mt Denali and the Gulf of Mexico.
[nitpick]Technically it is just “Denali”, not “Mt. Denali”.[/nitpick]
Dark days in the Estados Unidos del Norte de México.
And he’s granting clemency to the Jan 6th rioters.
Writing WaPo:
In one of the earliest acts of his second term, Trump signed a proclamation issuing a “complete and unconditional pardon” to all but 14 people convicted for any offenses related to the attack at the Capitol as his first term drew to a close. He cut short the sentences for the other 14 — nine members of the Oath Keepers and five members of the Proud Boys
I guess in the last four years he’s decided this is in his political interest, since he didn’t bother to do it in the last days of his prior term.
To the gulf of central america?
Florida has already taken to calling it the Gulf of America in official government statements.
I really don’t understand where that one even came from.
Well at conception there would still be chromosomal differences. But color me shocked that his orders don’t appear to go along with basic 9th-grade-level biological facts.
I read somewhere reputable, although I can’t recall where, that someone close to Trump said that his plan was to flood everyone with executive orders and that there are not enough resources to challenge all of them and some will sneak through.