Trump Arrest Watch

It’s also worth remembering that in voir dire, many of the jury candidates apparently did lousy jobs at avoiding disclosing identifying information, and certain media outlets were relaying enough information that permitted a few candidates to be identified, until the judge grumped.

Presumably those outlets still have whatever information was gleaned after the judge got grumpy…

Like tired performers playing Vegas, Trump starts a residency performance nightly at Mara de Leavenworth.

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I thought I read that it’s 4 years per count, so he could hypothetically get 136 years, but everyone seems to agree that will never actually happen. But that would be the hypothetical high end.

Is he at least on house arrest right now?

are all 34 felonies?

Oh, I don’t know. I may have misunderstood what I read. Maybe it’s only the subset that is felonies that have a 4 year sentence.

Seems like he kinda screwed himself a bit being such a asshole during the trial.

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Changed, but not really.


Eh, if he doesn’t go to jail it’s pretty meaningless. Now he gets to play martyr. I bet he gets a ton more donations.

One of my relatives is full MAGA Kool Aid drinker and she’s all posting about how the Biden administration is like Hitler’s, targeting political enemies.

“If they can convict Trump they can convict any of us.”

I refrained from replying “Well, any of us who commit felonies, anyway.”

It will mean that he got away with felonies, which is why he committed them in the first place.

First they came for the fraudsters, but i said nothing because i hadnt commited fraud


I would like this post twice if I could. Excellent response!

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Should have kept his nose clean.

To clarify, by being an ass, it seems like he increased the likelihood of earning a jail sentence, or at least harsher penalties up to that.

People generally get reduced consequences for not being a complete ass.

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Given that he’s not in jail right now (and I think not even on house arrest?) I am less optimistic than you.

We will find out in July, I guess.

I agree the chance is still pretty close to 0 on that happening, but I think Trump expected to not be found guilty when he was being an asshole. Someone can actually hold Trump accountable, maybe for the first time in his life.

Anyway this seemed like a good summary of what will happen next:

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The meltdown on Fox News is both hilarious and disturbing.

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I swear I’ve heard this story before…

RFKJ is on Fox News now complaining about democrats.

Does this mean Trump cannot vote for himself?

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That would be HUGE!!!