Trump Arrest Watch

If you believe Trump is Jesus, I think you owe him 10%.



ā€œAl Capone was a very successful businessmanā€ ā€¦ as opposed to Trump. :rofl::rofl::rofl:




I missed that on my initial read but :rofl:

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Could also be filed under Republicans say the darndest things

Canā€™t he just hold his breath until he gets his way, like other spoiled brats?

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Maybe someone can tell him to stop acting like an idiot :person_shrugging:

He does seem to yell a lot. Maybe people donā€™t want to confront the boss like that??


Trump is a special case due to his NPD.

Nothing you tell him would register. Pointless to confront him.

100% of the time it works nevery time.



This is going to be awesome.

Feeding frenzy now.

He deserves every single nanosecond of it.

Well, except for the rioting.

But we all must remember that:

  1. Rioting because someone died in police custody for doing absolutely nothing: bad.
  2. Rioting over a giant baby who broke a law (and likely several others) who is not going to be abused one little bit while in custody: good.
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Trump has been indicated:

There is nothing worse in this world than being indicated.

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Indicted is not in his vocabulary.

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I donā€™t think there will be much rioting.

His allies (such that they were) have slowly abandoned him.

And this one case is far from the worst one (my own view is that its the top secret files one that will end him once and for all). This wonā€™t sink him, but it will definitely hurt him.

Am sure he will scream and shout, and claim everybody is against him. It fits with his NPD behavior.

But I just donā€™t see the politics in his favour anymore.

This is what bothers me. This is no worse than John Edwards.