Today I learned

Excellent year, I’ve heard.


Calling someone “brat” is now a compliment. :confused: [fixed it, thanks now_samantha]


Only if grilled correctly otherwise you may see flare ups

charlie murphy

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You don’t say that they are “a brat” but rather that they are brat. It’s an adjective, not a noun.

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So calling someone a brat could be taken several ways, depending upon their generation. :confused:

Popsicle® is a trademarked name.

via chatgpt:

“Popsicle” is a trademarked brand name. The term “Popsicle” is owned by Unilever, which acquired the brand as part of its purchase of Good Humor-Breyers in 1993. The brand name refers to a specific type of ice pop, and while “popsicle” is often used generically to describe any ice pop, it is legally protected as a trademark.

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In the Seinfeld episode The Outing, the college student, Sharon Leonard, who interviews Jerry is played by Paula Marshall. She, the actress, would have been ~29 yo at the time.

Not that there is anything wrong with that


I knew before that Andy Serkis was the actor behind Gollum in the LoTR.

Today I was reading his wiki, and was surprised to learn that he is also the actor behind Supreme Leader Snoke in the Star Wars sequel trilogy and Caesar in the Planet of the Apes reboot movies. Mind blown.

Wild to have featured in such major movie roles and to be largely unrecognized on the street.

And King Kong.

One of my fondest pandemic memories was watching his livestream read of The Hobbit.

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He also plays non-CGI characters in Black Panther (Klaue) and Andor (so he is 2 different, prominent characters in Star Wars).

There is a company who specializes in transporting animals all over the world, including taking US Olympic horses to Paris. The plane is called Air Horse One.

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FedEx and DHL and some other air cargo companies you probably haven’t heard of also take horses and zoo animals and such. Very pricey, of course.

The airplane used to transport giant pandas between the United States and China is literally called the FedEx Panda Express.

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Farmers/scientists?? have been breeding the bad taste out of brussels sprouts for the last 2+ decades so that today’s taste much better than the ones I (we) grew up with. So it isn’t the just the way they are being cooked that makes them more palatable than when you were a kid.


Speaking of food science, if you haven’t read about the man who saved a billion lives, worth a click.

Interesting. I read that this is because scientists selected varieties with lower levels of Glucosinolates. However, this is a chemical purported to have very good health benefits. Does that mean Brussels sprouts are now less nutritious (gift article below)?

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Edsel was a separate Brand of Ford, not simply a Model. Like Lincoln and Mercury, and (wiki says) totally unneeded.
So, “Ford Edsel” is not a correct naming.

Nobody seems to have told my tastebuds…

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In midwestern slang news, TIL that doing donuts in a car is called whipping shitties in some parts of the Midwest. Minnesota, I’m looking at you.