If you’re ready to start studying for your spring 2021 exam, we’re ready for you. All of our online courses on the ILA track are available now.
As usual, there were no changes to the LPM and LAM syllabi for spring and only minor changes to the ERM and LFM syllabi. All courses are ready now, and we have clear instructions for how to use any parts of the course that are being updated with new material. Stay tuned to the course blog for each course to follow development and to get more exam tips.
As always, if you’d like to start using an online course for your next exam before results are released in January, we can help. If you purchase your next course before getting results and later find out in January that you didn’t pass your previous exam, simply contact us at customerservice@theinfiniteactuary.com. We will pause access to your new course indefinitely while you retake your previous exam. When you’re ready to resume the next exam, just let us know, and everything will be ready for you at no additional charge.
If you have any questions about your next exam, please contact us anytime. Our instructors are here to help. I hope everyone has a restful, safe, and happy holiday season!