Thread where actuaries diagnosis medical issues

Yeah, I just need to get some. But does it help with inflammation?

Ach, no, sorry it does not. It only helps pain but wouldn’t reduce inflammation.

If I were you I’d probably take a low dose of ibuprofen and a heavy dose of acetaminophen. Also, when not occupied with work, cannabis could help relieve symptoms. Of course a lot of people don’t want to explore that (and it may be illegal for them.)

May be worth at least exploring a non-psychoactive CBD cream for the affected area (hips?)

Be cautious with “heavy doses of acetaminophen”. The recommended max per day is 4000mg per day for adults, and 3000mg per day is safer. An overdose can permanently damage you liver, and people die from acetaminophen overdose every year.

Of course, they also die from NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen, which can damage your kidneys and cause bleeding.

And the steroid may control inflammation well enough that you song need an NSAID. Have you tried it with Tylenol? It might with for you.

If you’ve tolerated NSAIDs well, and acetaminophen doesn’t cut it, I’d probably try a modest dose of ibuprofen and keep an eye out for any signs of stomach pain or bleeding. Also, make sure to stay well hydrated to make life easier for your kidneys.

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I’m really looking for short term relief here I hope. I’m already on a low dose steroid but my dr is being conservative with that bc of my high blood pressure. I doubt she will give me more when it runs out in 4 days.

And MRI is delayed bc of insurance. Ugh!

I have the gabapentin for when I’m not at work. Not to the point yet of jumping thru hoops for a cannabis license.* A CBD cream could be helpful. Might try that. Could easily keep it at work.

By a “heavy dose” I meant more like “1 or more doses to your comfort level”, where I see around 650-1200mg as a full dose. So a double-dose (which I personally wouldn’t stress over as a short-term solution) might be 1300-2400.

@Ajstudies Just FYI, my medical card just cost me $120 and like 30 minutes in a virtual interview. The doctor asked me if I had any conditions and I said ulcerative colitis. She goes, "did you know that cannabis can help with inflammation?" and I said, “You don’t say? Tell me more.” I do have to renew the card in 2 years.

Idk if I can do a virtual appointment for a first time license here. Don’t know how much it costs. And my best source of info is my daughter who recently gave up her license bc she believes an overdose caused her psychotic break last fall. A whole lotta emotions mixed up in that & I don’t wanna stir that up.

The other issue is trying to find a consistent and reputable source. There are shops on every corner.

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I don’t use cannabis. But reading this makes me very happy that my state has legalized it. If i decide i want it, i can just go to a dispensary and buy some. Or grow my own.

I’m in a legal state. My med card only gets me out of an additional sin sales tax, as well as access to some more potent things than I typically use anyway.

I’m not sure if it really saved me any money. I keep the card on me on the small chance that it grants any leniency in a variety of situations. For example, I may not have a kid yet and won’t abuse them, but if CPS were called for any reason, a card can make a big difference if you have cannabis in the house. (Of course, with a kid I would have it in a safe in my bedroom closet as well.)

I probably only spend $0.50-$0.80 on a given day on weed. I’ll determine after 2 years whether to renew it.

Found my muscle cream and stuck it in my backpack. Will get an extra I can leave at work. I’m off tomorrow so I can take extra gabapentin the next 3 nights and not worry about sleeping too late. PT on Monday.

Ins co dragging feet on MRI approval. Prednisone runs out Sunday. I foresee a fun week coming up. Hmmm…


I may as well start my stockpiled emergency “fix me” meds. Still actively flaring… yesterday needed to make a 3 hour each-way drive. Tried to make it on minimal Imodium, but ended up making two emergency stops… on the side of the freeway… just open 2 doors to conceal yourself and, well, there’s no option sometimes :confused:


Not fun. Sorry!

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MRI rescheduled again bc of waiting on insurance approval. Out of steroids so I’m expecting things to get dicey any time now. Start with new PT today but I question their ability to really address the problem without a diagnosis.

Anyway, I decided to pay out of pocket for the MRI under the assumption that it will show that something is definitely wrong. Then I will fight with insurance to apply it to my deductible. So we are on for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, both sitting and standing hurt. But more like 4/10 vs 9/10 today, so I can actuarialize without overdosing on OTC NSAIDs.


Maybe you could schedule with an urgent care to get the meds you need? I think you said prednisone and I find doctors to be wildly variable in using it. Some are extremely cautious to prescribe any, some give it out like candy. But I find pretty good success in confidently telling them the dosage and amount I need, especially in your case when you’re actively seeking treatment and have had it prescribed before.

Or depending on how long your wait, there are options abroad… I don’t know the wait time to receive medicine from an Indian pharmacy though, likely too long for what you need.

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PT thinks not sciatica. She actually examined it. Said one hip is moving differently than the other. Issues could be related to knee scooter and boot last fall when I was recovering from surgery. Isn’t sure MRI will show anything but I decided it’s worth the $ to have it done and know. A little worried I could have done something when I fell in Dec 2022 & hurt my ankle. I’d rather know than be wondering.


My neck MRI was denied by insurance, the one that showed that my nerve damage was at risk of causing permanent arm weakness. Love UHC!

I also paid out of pocket for it, worth it for the answers. I went to one of those scanning facilities, so it was only around $500, thankfully!


Good grief!

Fortunately they didn’t deny the surgery! But without the MRI, I would have required several months (4-6, maybe?) of physical therapy that didn’t help before they would have approved the MRI so we could have talked about surgery. By then the damage likely would have been permanent.


That’s insane.

I think about what I went through to get anesthesia for Mini Me approved… it was insane. She needed a dental procedure done under enough anesthesia that the oral surgeon said we had to do it at the local children’s hospital with a pediatric anesthesiologist as it was going to take longer than he felt comfortable doing in the office.

So dental insurance doesn’t cover a medical doctor, but medical insurance doesn’t cover anesthesia for a dental procedure. Everyone agreed she needed the procedure. Everyone agreed she needed the anesthesia. Everyone appeared to agree that she needed a pediatric anesthesiologist.

I think I spent about 10 hours on the phone before it was finally approved. It was going to be over $5,000 if it wasn’t approved and I think it ended up being $50, so ya know… worth the effort, but it was a massive PITA.