Thread to post insignificant signals / advances by the opposite (or same) sex

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that’s ao fan’s dog


YAP! :heart_eyes:

The mail lady was just by. She was walking away and she turned back when I opened the front door. I said, “Thanks!”.

I can see a Hallmark movie about this. :star_struck: :couplekiss_man_woman: :heart_eyes: :revolving_hearts:

Did she respond!?

Nope. We’ll have to long for each other from afar. :frowning_face:

?? I was thinking a different genre from your description.

You mean a COD but I have no money and however would I pay???

The Postman Always Rings Twice

The barista remembered my name AND my usual yesterday!!!

use a condom

That’s an awkward way to drink coffee.


I was wearing a mask. Close enough. :mask:

I think you’re about to graduate from this thread

Mebbe I’ll set up a Baristaspeak Translation thread… :relaxed: :coffee: :revolving_hearts:


Don’t tease…

Will it involve tree houses, corn mazes, cheeky aunts, and barbecues?

Of course. And pie, Lots and lots of sweet, sweet pie!!! :pie: :heart_eyes:

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Happened twice again yesterday.