Thread to post insignificant signals / advances by the opposite (or same) sex

The PA that did my 2nd post-op follow-up says she wants to see me again in 6 weeks. :heart:

My PT says I’m looking good and she wants to see me once a week for the next 4 weeks, and then we’ll talk about plans after that. :heart: :heart:


The ladies at the gas station where I get gas and coffee have been giving me free coffee. They’ve been referring to me as “Boo”. I am unsure what that means but I am going to take it as a shortened masculine way to call me beautiful.


A GoA poster went PANTSLESS for a meeting and there was some heavy duty slaking talk in another thread!!! Whooooooo, I am all in a tizzy!!! :heart_eyes: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


At my local brewery, the beertender (Liz) gave me a full bbq dinner that wasn’t being eaten. If she was a few years older I’d ask her out (shes ~15 years younger and single, we’ve chatted a few times when she wasn’t the beertender during disc golf and trivia)


go for it! Pretty sure she’s above the (X/2 + 7) limit.

Have a good evening, and if you’re certain that she’s too young for you for a real relationship, you can ask for recommendations (both directions) on someone she (you) knows that would be a better match.


Did she specifically tell you she was single??? :popcorn:


@Marcie: I did go to sbux to warm up with a nice latte …


Elsa from “Frozen” was there!!! :heart_eyes: :revolving_hearts: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :blue_heart:

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The barista brought my coffee over to the table!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_decoration: :revolving_hearts: :brown_heart: :coffee:

Sort of qualifies, but initiated by my dog: I was at the dog park and an attractive young woman said hi to my dog. My dog jumped up and kissed her on the mouth without touching her anywhere else. She hasn’t ever done that before. Fortunately the woman seemed to enjoy it and we laughed it off.


I told my PT today that I was feeling really good. She said great, she was going to take advantage of how I was feeling and work me out really hard.


The barista brought over a sample tray of double chocolate brownies - TWICE!!! :gift_heart: :couple_with_heart_woman_man:


No need to guess where your home office is :coffee:

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Quadruple chocolate!

ETA: only if you “sampled” her “wares” both times.

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The young, blonde barista called me hun when she handed me my latte!!

If she calls you Atilla then you should get her number

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I was walking my dog and some random guy stops his car in the road and yells “I love your dog”

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“Screaming Viking? I haven’t been called that since my honeymoon.”


do you want the cucumber bruised?


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I walked from the sbux to the burrito place for a snack. When I paid, I threw a couple of bucks into the tip jar, so the guy behind the counter gave me a free pop!! :slight_smile:

@Marcie: A man’s gotta get his Insignificant Signal wherever he can get it!!!