Thread for drinking self-moratoria

the terms of the moratorium got changed.

No drinking at home for the duration. A drink or two at social events are ok.

We aren’t social butterflies, but for some reason our calendar is quite full this season.

We may make an exception yet again if we host for the Super Bowl.

Good for your wife.

It might seem harsh for your wife to say “I’m doing this so I don’t end up like you”. I dunno, I’ve never been to a group meeting. I’m not sure what is acceptable behavior. Perhaps others with experience can share their thoughts. But if that’s what motivates her, I say good for her and I don’t see a problem with her feelings (I might not share them at a group meeting), but then again, I’m not an expert in this subject matter.

I’m not ashamed to say I didn’t want to end up living in an upstairs apartment of my sister’s house working a minimum wage job with a bunch of college students. And I bet he would be happy to know he has been a positive influence in my life. I never said it then, but I’ll say it now. “Thanks Carl! You were a positive influence in my life.”

I second, good for her. Especially recognizing she had a problem, to a point of meetings.

Most people need to hit a bottom point, luckily she avoided that.

I can see the meeting being weird, like the person who goes to WW to lose 10 pounds

The show Mom, though a sitcom, I thought did a wonderful job with this stuff

One of my wife’s friends passed suddenly around the new year, and we kept to dry January for… three days after that. We had a couple drinks on the 8th. We had a couple beers each during football playoffs last weekend, and shared a bottle of wine last night. We’re probably not going to be dry for the next month, but we’ll certainly be ‘drier’ than December.

I intend to go back on low-carb in early March, so I’ll likely be dry from then on until I’ve lost the weight I want to lose.

The big problem I have when I lose weight is that I keep finding it again.

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So, we bailed on the latest moratorium.

new plan is after Valentine’s day until St Patrick’s day.

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My wife started Weight Watchers this week. I think my drinking frequency is going to plummet.