The Rebel Forum/Go Actuary 2024 Celebrity Death Pool

The The Rebel Forum/Go Actuary 2025 Celebrity Death Pool
is up! See the link for the rules.

Wikipedia still hasn’t acknowledged his death, just reports he might be dead. This year’s poll winner might change if his death is announced in 2025 retractive to 2024.

June Spencer: DEAD!

Mrs. Spencer was an English actress best known for her long-running role as Peggy Woolley in the BBC Radio 4 soap opera The Archers. Spencer played the character from 1950 to 1953, and again from 1962 to 2022. She died November 8 at the age of 105.

Ted_Hoffman gets a unique hit to move into a tie for second place.


contestant Normal Deaths Tragic Deaths Unique Deaths Total Points
PatientZombie 4 1 0 60
Ted_Hoffman 5 1 2 56
Hotkarl 5 1 2 56
ArthurItas 5 1 2 46
Maphistos_Sidekick 3 1 0 43
Ezekial_Cumberland 5 0 1 40
frummie 3 0 0 22
traina 3 0 1 22
Macroman 2 0 0 20
soyleche 2 0 0 20

Keep watching those obits!

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Looks like I’m hoping for the Hail Mary at this point.

Scoring clarification: soyleche should have 20 after the hit on James Earl Jones. It was initially recorded correctly, but got dropped shortly after and that’s been carried through since.

Thank you Ted! Fixing the standings going back to JEJ now.

Freakin interns!


This is why I never pay my interns more than $5.

Not per hour, flat. Which, that works out beautifully because that’s the wage they demand.

Only three days left to enter the 2025 pool!

I forgot until frummie dm’d me that my tragedy alternate pick died. Messed up my rankings this year!

As far as I can tell, your entire enterprise is no more than a solitary man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken


That would have been a great pick!

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sent mine

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I did some research today, and will submit tomorrow. Making the final cuts will be difficult this year.


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Last day to submit 2025 picks!

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Greg Gumble


If you picked someone that doesn’t have his/her own wikipedia page but is mentioned on a page, please check if they passed so you can get credit. I am checking those but might not have found them on my searches.

theo burrell
criscilla anderson
barton cowperthwaite
tim bilton

Unless there’s a whole lot of dying in the last few days, seems like this is going to end up being a really slow year for death pools in general.

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Unless you picked a lot of baseball players