The Rebel Forum/Go Actuary 2024 Celebrity Death Pool

Charlie Bird: DEAD!

Mr. Bird was an Irish journalist and broadcaster, reporting on subjects such as the Irish Republican Army and the Haiti Earthquake. He was Chief News Correspondent with RTÉ News until January 2009. He took up the role of Washington Correspondent, but prematurely returned to his earlier post in Ireland in June 2010. He retired from RTÉ in August 2012. He is writing about the afterlife as he died yesterday at age 74 after a long illness.

Hotkarl expands the lead with a pool-leading third hit.


contestant Normal Deaths Tragic Deaths Unique Deaths Total Points
Hotkarl 3 0 2 37
traina 2 0 1 20
Ted_Hoffman 1 0 0 12
Maphistos_Sidekick 1 0 0 10
Ezekial_Cumberland 1 0 0 10
ArthurItas 1 0 0 10
frummie 2 0 0 9
Macroman 1 0 0 9
PatientZombie 1 0 0 7
soyleche 0 0 0 0

Keep watching those obits!

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