The covid virgins club

You can call me a germophobe. :grinning: Although I’m a selective germophobe. I worry a lot more about respiratory bugs than most people, but less about stomach bugs. For whatever reason, i rarely get very sick from stomach bugs, and I’ve been at events where tons of people were out with gastrointestinal stuff and i was barely under the weather.

I recommend “Excuse me ladies but I’ve been snorting loads of plant sperm.”


Yeah, I’m all for putting others at ease where reasonable to do so. But asking an allergy sufferer to wear a mask is a big ask IMO.

I have allergy issues. I agree that nobody wants to have a mask on when their nose is runny. However a well fitted quality mask (N95, KF94,…) can actually help reduce nasal allergy symptoms if you wear it when exposed to pollen.

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Yes, I’ve had good luck with masks reducing my cat allergies, and also reducing my non-allergic nasal irritation from high pollen loads.

As far as I know, I’m still in. Given my health history, I seriously doubt that I’d be asymptomatic…because my wife certainly isn’t.

uh oh, covid alert has be raised to medium in new york. MY VIRGIN STATUS IS AT RISK!

went to a homebrew festival thing this weekend. thought it would be more crowded but it was all outdoors and didn’t have to wait in giant lines for anything. fingers crossed i’m still in the club. not a mask in sight all weekend.

I don’t think I’d worry too much about contracting covid at an outdoor event.


Agree, that’s why I went. But there were so many beards. Like guys with beards growing from their other beards. Surprisingly a really mellow crowd. Will probably go again next year.

Just took an at home test that came back positive. My exposure notification indicates it was probably an outdoor music festival last weekend.

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Sorry to hear. Hope you’re not feeling too bad.

Thanks. No real symptoms.

I have been a bit tired, but that has been off and on for about 20 years (j/k - but I do have kids in their early 20s so not entirely). I have been tired but I have been working a bunch so I can’t necessarily point to that given I sleep fine and wake up feeling refreshed. I certainly wouldn’t call it fatigue.

I just hope I didn’t spread it to anyone else, I have been in and out of meetings all week so have been in close proximity to quite a few people. But that is fairly normal for me as well.


My son has covid. He had a high fever a day before he tested positive. (He tested negative that day.) My husband was with him on Tuesday. I guess we’ll see how this household goes.

Meanwhile, my DIL is anxious, and my son is still feeling really shitty. But his fever is down today.

Uh oh. I may be attending a big music fest on Sunday. Fingers crossed.

I’m in DC this weekend. Is this my time?! Probably the riskiest thing I’ve done in a while. I did drive though, at least.

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It was packed. And a large part of the time I was at a tent stage so air flow and wasn’t all that great.

And my wife, who was with me, tested negative and has no symptoms.

Hope you feel better and she stays negative.

Thinking good thoughts for all of you.

Yet another “Your child has had close exposure …” letter and yet another negative test.