______ that reminds you of another poster

I got served up this promoted tweet on making maple syrup, which I imagine I might have received just for browsing some posts here

Cool to see it scaled. I’ve seen most of that tech in small local producers though. Reverse osmosis is common, as are vacuum systems. I went to a local conference some years ago and they were selling boilers that looked like they were a full storey high. There’s a lot of money spent.

Maple syrup is also automatically organic as a product unlike most other foods. So to get the organic certification you have to mostly just deal with organic cleaning techniques at end of season.

University of Pennsylvania also does a lot of research around this. They have a ton of reading from beginner to research stuff.

I had some delicious cinnamon raisin bread toasted with butter and I thought of certain posters

Cinnamon :white_check_mark:
Toasted bread :white_check_mark:
Butter :white_check_mark:

Rai-SINS :exploding_head: :japanese_ogre: :skull_and_crossbones: :poop: :toilet: :face_vomiting: :x: :x: :x: :interrobang: :sos: :newspaper_roll: :-1:



i miss the bunny with a pancake on its head

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Possible new fun activity for @meep and the kids

no, but I followed the account

I would not do that to the ducks. I don’t think they enjoy that sort of thing

Speaking of snare drums and marching bands, “be kind to your fine feathered friends, for a duck may be somebody’s mother”

I thought you might as there are lots of fun duck videos

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