Ted Hoffman's hip surgeries (#1 1/14, #2 7/22) and recoveries

Good luck tomorrow!!! :mechanical_leg:

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Just remember, the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone & the hip bone’s connected to the backbone.

YARN | Good luck. We're all counting on you. | Airplane! (1980) | Video clips by quotes | 2139c123 | 紗


Gotta remember to write this down and ask the surgeon if they’re aware of this.

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I used you as inspiration to get the Jiff. Wouldn’t have thought of it with out you so less a ninja and more an homage.

Well, thank you!

I just wanna tell you good luck, we’re all counting on you.

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I got word that the surgery went well and he’s starting to wake up.


I feel much more alert after surgery. They did not drug me to the point that 2+ hours into recovery I was still out and they’re telling at me trying to wake me up, and I’m groggy getting into the vehicle and still groggy and disoriented hours later, so that’s already a huge plus from last time.

Surgery itself was more normal. No trying to play the claw game for 40 minutes with a bone fragment that got loose. They saw cartilage wear, which is not a surprise given how long it was probably injured, but it also was not extensive and they did not have to remove much. Did require more resurfacing of surfaces but not to the point it should cause balance issues with the other hip. Labrum had more damage, again because of time it’s been like that, but anchors could be placed solidly without problem.

Usual issues right now: lying only on my back or side is getting really old. Headache because I need caffeine (which hopefully will be remedied shortly). Cats think I’m a higher perch. Only new one is that we flipped the bed to the other side of the family room, so I’ll get light starting when the sun comes up. Fortunately the window faces west, so it won’t be sunlight right in my face.

I think this is going to go better? I have the 3 exercises I can do, I’m starting on 2 of them already - squeeze your quad, bend the leg to 90 degrees - and it’s ok. I’m also just under 24 hours removed from surgery, I may have a different story to tell come Tuesday.


Keep up that recovery!

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I just wanna tell you good luck, we’re all counting on you.

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And we do love to count.

I thought we just liked to estimate.

How is your first hip? Would you say it was at 100% by the time of your 2nd hip surgery? Did that healing/rehab process go as quickly(slowly) as expected?

I was probably around 90-95% with the first hip. I had moments where it still felt weak, but it wasn’t “this is going to be a problem.” I had occasional … discomfort? in the right buttock, but apparently that’s normal and part of healing. I didn’t have pain, per se, from about 3 months on.

Healing went quicker than expected. The first 4 weeks were probably on schedule, I was off crutches 1-2 weeks after that (I think; I’d have to look up above to double-check) but after that it seemed to pick up speed. At 2 months, I was a week or two ahead. At 3 months, I was 4-6 weeks ahead. We went 4 1/2 months because I had that many visits under insurance, but I probably didn’t need anything in the last 3 weeks.


I’ve slacked on putting up an update since after surgery. I’ll make up for it now.

Things are going much better than last time. I have the “usual” discomfort - my left buttock is numbish, the outside of my left leg is tingly / numbish / feels weird down to about mid-thigh, across the top of my leg feels really sore, but I’m not in pain. Definitely not in holy fuck, what the hell did I do pain like last time.

I’ve been doing easy, gentle exercises with that leg. I have 3 I’ll be doing, I’ve started 2 of the 3 and I feel like I could do the 3rd to some extent. [Mrs. Hoffman keeps telling me no, you’re not doing it yet.] There’s some stiffness and the accompanying discomfort, nothing unexpected. I feel like I’m way ahead of last time. As in, if I knew it would be fine I would be putting more weight on that side and maybe even taking a step or two with crutches.

First follow-up is next Monday, I do the first PT appointment before it. I’m curious to see what each person has to say, because I expect after I get to 4 weeks and can start putting weight on things are going to improve quickly.


I did discover more of why I feel weird on the outside of my leg. Mrs. Hoffman looked last night, I have a large purple bruise there.

I just wanna tell you good luck, we’re all counting on you.

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They didn’t drop you off the operating table, did they???

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