Supreme court overturns Roe v. Wade

the dems have had both the house and the senate and the presidency for a year and a half now. have they done anything?

No one is going after Trump, no matter how much he’s hated. Hell, people like Cruz, Gohmert, Gaetz, MTG, Boebert, et. al. are hated even more and no one’s going after any of them.

that’s what I’m saying. with as many guns and crazies in this country (presumably), you’d think contentious political figures would be falling left and right, especially when certain monumental decisions hinge on their existence.

But they don’t.

You need 60 Senators to get any real change done.


While this may be true, there are additional psychological hurdles to cross (for some).

I think both sides are pretty polarized in opposite directions. Theoretically, there could be compromises met like what was done for stimulus packages.

However, that’s probably a pipe dream. So practically you need 60…

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So, is the current theocratic state, which has been crafted in direct opposition of the founding fathers ideals, exactly why the wanted an armed populace? To raise up arms against religious rulers like we currently have?


I think we’re getting closer to the breaking point. I also don’t think the first major victim will be someone on the left; it’ll be right-on-right violence, and a large part of the political right will be simultaneously horrified at what it’s created and silent about speaking out against for fear of being next.

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Getting hard to distinguish the Republican party from the Taliban. Against women’s rights, anything LGBTQ, and tote around guns when they post on the internet.


say it louder for the republicans on the ao

You forgot supporting overthrow of the government if they don’t like election results


They are incompetent legislators. Mitch McConnell is the best legislator that has ever lived and no one on the Democratic side can match him. He is playing chess and they are playing Uno.

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538 summarizes it all very well:

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He’s actually on the fence on this one…

To be fair, i think it helps mcconnell that republicans mostly want to limit government, perhaps with an occasional tax cut that can be passed with a simple majority through budget reconciliation. that tends to favor inaction which is easier in our government.

the democrats want to expand government’s role. that is completely opposed to inaction.

so i do think the r’s have an easier hand to play than the d’s do.

The R’s love a more intrusive government whenever it suits their social agenda. In general the last few R administrations have increased spending while cutting taxes. Smaller government and fiscal responsibility is pure lip service for the GOP.


Time to sharpen up the child support laws…let’s say $20k per child per year minimum and a maximum of 1/3 gross income.

Goose something something gander.

Unfortunately the burden of greatly restricted abortion laws will fall mostly on the poor, so I doubt increasing the child support benefits will do much to improve the situation. Maybe increased welfare benefits for poor families funded by a top bracket income tax might be a better goose/gander argument. For the most part, the evangelicals don’t give a damn about poor kids after they take their first breath.


not to mention rise in crime in 18 years

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And at least some of them (cough Barrett cough) are hoping the poor will be baby factories for wealthy women who have trouble conceiving.

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