Worth noting that this was the 3rd time that they voted on whether or not to repeal, and this vote passed because they finally got up to a whopping 3 Republicans to vote yes. It’s expected to also pass the Senate, because there only 2 Republicans are needed.
Until it’s successful and those same Republicans have to backpedal and support abortion. As in Arizona.
They just have to be less competent than they are, which is actually a lot harder than one might think.
Then again, THEY didn’t overturn Roe v Wade, so they probably couldn’t re-overturn it.
This new law making abortion legal might just do the trick, though. They can run on promising to ban abortion, but just barely not get enough votes, every single time.
The inevitable outcome of the TX abortion law has started.
It sure plays into the idea that limiting abortion rights is really about men controlling women’s’ bodies.
If the claim is that you can still sue for an abortion out of state, i wonder what the limits are on jurisdiction? For example, if neither of them had ever lived in texas, could he still sue? does the fetus have to be conceived in texas? What about if you drive through texas in your way for an abortion? fly over it?
The general legal consensus is that when this occurred, the criminalization of reproductive healthcare refugees from Texas would be struck down.
I hope that ends up being the case rather than the Texas Supreme Court citing what a deity thinks about our souls.
Curious thought:
Have states with heavily restricted abortion access seen an increase in adoption rates? Wasn’t increasing that supply of adoptable babies part of Barrett’s reasoning?
I don’t think there’s meaningful data on that yet, as Dobbs was 2022 and 2023 adoption counts aren’t published yet. It seems that adoptions nationally were down during the pandemic, which will make teasing out the data harder.
Nothing about a larger supply of unwanted babies going through the foster system incentivizes those Christian Nationalists to care about the needy.
Unwanted babies are for the poors to take care of. The rich can continue to access abortions.
I think she meant white babies (don’t think she explicitly said that but maybe). Talk to anyone in the adoption process and they’ll tell you there’s plenty of brown boys available.
Sadly I agree with this assessment.
That’s a lot of doctors.
The link made me think it was a significantly larger number
There are about 1.1 million doctors practicing in the U.S. Not sure if there are retired docs that signed the letter or not but it looks like it’s a small percentage, if large-ish number (6,000) of doctors. Just for perspective.
I agree that there should be utmost clarity that the procedure to end an ectopic pregnancy should absolutely unquestionably be legal in all 56 states and territories of the United States as well as overseas facilities run by the United States military or government. Same for other emergency care that might result in terminating a pregnancy to potentially save a pregnant woman’s life.
Even pro-lifers should agree to that much if worded well enough.
But do the voices of 6000 doctors outweigh one flag?
Is that some sort of pro life flag? I’m not familiar with that.
It’s a flag that many of the 1/6 people carried. And Alito had up at his beach house.
Thank you for the explanation Samantha.
It’s a January 6 flag? WTF? It makes even less sense as a 1/6 thing than as an abortion thing.
It’s a flag that’s been adopted by the Christian-themed part of the January 6th crowd.
It’s a revolutionary war flag. Many of the insurrectionists carried revolutionary war flags, as that’s exactly what they were hoping for. Besides this one, you can see a bunch of Don’t Tread on Me flags in the 1/6 crowd. Christian Nationalists apparently really like the Pine Tree flag.
Yeah, I knew they’d co-opted Don’t Tread On Me and the Betsy Ross flag.
Wasn’t familiar with the pine tree one or its Revolutionary War origin.