Super Bowl LIX Super Poll

Get your kicks at Super Bowl LIX.

Vote with your heart…or your head…whichever feels right…or left…

Who will win Super Bowl LIX?
  • I’m rooting for the Eagles, and I think that they’ll win, too!
  • I’m rooting for the Eagles, but I think the Chiefs will win.
  • I’m rooting for the Chiefs, and I think that they’ll win, too!
  • I’m rooting for the Chiefs, but I think the Eagles will win.
  • I have no rooting interest, but I think the Chiefs will win.
  • I have no rooting interest, but I think the Eagles will win.
  • The GoA 42ers are looking really good this year.
0 voters

I’m rooting for the Eagles, but the NFL is scripted money-centric nonsense anymore so none of it matters.

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I was hoping Buffalo would win the second game yesterday. It would have simplified my Superbowl game-day meal planning immensely. Cheese steaks and buffalo wings.

KC BBQ is too damn involved for February.

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We’re probably having Nachos.

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KC-style referee nachos? (As in, nacho championship trophy. :rimshot:)


More specifically, meteor strike centered on Kansas City. On the Missouri side we get rid of Mahomes, and on the Kansas side we get rid of tuberculosis. Win Win!


So, how did everyone do?


I wonder if the “avocados from Mexico “ will air during the SB and if they’ll reference the current political situation or if it’s too late to make such a change.

You’re making me a little nervous here in Lawrence, KS!


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Out “camping” (RVs) with about 10 guys. I’m going to watch the first half at my friend’s bar, then drive back to the campsite for the second half.
I’m recording the whole thing anyway, so no biggie.

I do have squares at the campsite, so i have a vested interest.

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I’d join the Kia SB Squares game, but I’m afraid I’d win.

Tom Brady gonna lead the New England Chiefs to victory

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Don’t be surprised if Brady wins the MVP award though


And that they name it after him, too.

Nice military salute by the draft dodger in chief

330 PT kickoff.
No kickoff yet.