Study suggests depression may not be caused by biochemical imbalance in the brain

We’ll to be fair he never said he was any good at his job. Seriously, after getting dragged so hard by everyone here I would have thought he would be a bit self-reflective but he came back and doubled-down. It’s a bit frightening

Speaking to my own experiences only, I’ve been counseled by pastors before, as a teen and young adult, who had no business counseling anyone. They meant well, I think, but like Nick, were ill-equipped to actually deal with mental health issues. Pastors are not medical professionals, and should not be allowed to provide medical advice.

Being told that your depression is a sign that your faith is not strong enough, that you can pray and will it away, was a common encounter for me and many I know. It was my own doing and either an indication that Satan was able to get access to my soul because I had let my relationship with God drift, or it was a sign that I was actively living a sinful life and this was the natural consequence of that - e.g. it was my conscience telling me something was wrong in my life. Either way, that “counseling” caused more harm than good.

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I mean the recurring message for Christianity is that God made you perfect and everything wrong with you is your own fault.

i solved my deep depression by finally realizing i should stop wallowing and just be more awesome. Since that epiphany - which I could never have made on my own without the help of my pastor (and his extensive training in excel and observing things narrowly). I wallow less now and friends want to be around me - a wonderfully fulfilling cycle! I am more awesome than I used to be! Why doesn’t everyone see how simple this can be?

oh, does this sound like it trivialized things? i am shocked.


You see, we all - come from a factory and, sometimes, the factory makes bad machines. They don’t work. So, they put them here. The bad machines don’t know that they’re bad machines. But, the people at the factory know. They know that you are one of the machines that doesn’t work. (Midnight Express)

one of the few people I know who committed suicide happened to be one of the sweetest people I ever met. Total people pleaser. at her funeral, one of the people who made a speech about her said something like “she was my best friend, but a lot of people say that” because this girl was the kind of person who everyone likes immediately. She only worked for my company for something like a little under a year, but also one of the most competent and driven entry level people we had. I’m not sure if she was typical of a depressed person, but my sample size of people who committed suicide is pretty small. she seemingly had everything going for her, but she wanted out. :woman_shrugging: to me that says it’s chemical. also, your statement about her is entirely false. everyone liked her and i liked her immediately.

I later heard that she was bipolar. I could not tell.

You are misusing the term “depressed” here. There’s a difference between being unhappy because of being self absorbed that your friends have XYZ and you don’t, unhappy because you watched your mother die, unhappy because you’re overwhelmed by the tidal wave of trying to help others when the world goes to shit, or unhappy because of some altered chemistry like post partum depression.

actually, with this girl, I think it came up that she did make her life better. Her life was at the point that it was great by all outward appearances, but she still was unhappy, so the only solution there was apparently to kill herself.

Perhaps the questions is (going back to the OP), are all depressions caused by chemical imbalance?

After all, {Chemical Imbalance => Depression} != {Depression => Chemical Imbalance}

I didn’t read the article so can’t comment on it.

I think depending on brain chemicals some people are more prone to depression than others when put in a specific situation, so it can be both, but it also can lean more heavily on brain chemicals depending on the person. Also people have varying standards as to what makes them happy with some having some pretty low standards.

And standards to happiness also depend on overall society’s standards.

One thing that makes depressed people annoying is if you deem them having more than you in some way and they complain incessantly about how depressed they are about their situation in life. That’s friendship ending.

I mean, Robin Williams died by suicide, didn’t he? There is a person who made the world a better place for a lot of people. Someone who had access to the best possible care. And he is gone now.

My friend’s son committed suicide. His life wasn’t perfect but he had a couple of great kids and a lot of people loved him. He is gone now.

My daughter considered suicide. We have a strong family history of anxiety and depression. She had some life situations that are pretty overwhelming. She asked for help and while she still struggles, most days I think she’s gonna make it.

I’m considering trying meds for anxiety, which isn’t the same as depression but it’s related.

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No the theme of Christianity is this world sucks. It’s going to use you and abuse you. It will tell you you’re not pretty enough, smart enough, or good enough. It’s going to chew you up and spit you out for its own sake and profit. Despite all that and despite how anyone feels about themselves or anyone’s contribution to the world’s crimes listed above God loves each of us individually. He wants us to love each other. We are all worthy of being loved and respected. Own that and internalize it and then externalize it towards others.

I’m not trying to demean anyone and their troubles. I also don’t counsel anyone for mental illness. I teach people about their value and worth and how to love others. That said the church is part of the world and thus has a lot of the things listed above in it and many of you have probably been hurt by someone in a church. I am truly sorry about that. If I could change it I would.

I’ve also experienced depression and anxiety and every other emotion. I’ve dealt with them all in unhealthy ways with self medication and denial. I have found things that work for me. Mainly what I am saying is you have to start the process. If you’re in a hole don’t stay there. Call someone, call a Dr, call a friend, call a family member. Start the process and move forward. If medicine helps great but behavioral change and mindset change have to be part of the long term solution from my own experience.

I am sorry if I hurt anyone here I truly am, but I want everyone to be the best version of themselves. I am still working on me too.

When I was in high school my friends and I used to say, “I’m so depressed,” when what we really meant was that we were having a bad day.

When I was actually depressed I had no idea bc at the time I thought depressed people just laid in bed all day, but I went to work every day. I really needed help but I didn’t know it for a very long time.

But also that you are created perfectly, no? So depression, in this context, must come from outside, not from within.
I can understand why you’d think chemical imbalance plays a secondary role if this is what you believe then.

I honestly don’t think Christianity has an answer for depression or any other mental or physical ailment. If you’d asked me 20 or 30 years ago I might have thought differently.

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Everyone has the same ability to walk but no one is going to do it for them.

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Does DS post here? What happened to him? This forum seems to be less active than the AO.