Some people are just better than you

omg lol I miss that guy

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More money, more problems.

Well, it really depends on if you choose to make your life more sustainable with the money, or just have more stuff. Many people do make suboptimal decisions with money.

People who research happiness find a huge positive correlation between money and happiness from grinding poverty up through “know where your next meal is coming from, not too worried about making the rent.” After that, there’s not a lot of correlation, and things like social connections tend to dominate the models.

sounds like another thing that poor people say to feel better about being poor

poor people problems are much worse imo

see the post above yours.

I doubt there are many people on this board that have poor people problems.

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I think MrGrim was going to Ukraine to look for a wife. Or did he end up at a ski resort or something? Time sure flies!!!

To the extent this is true, I would concur that JAS wasn’t a happy dude.

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It’s a shame that you’re not the #1 GoA poster.

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but I bet there are many of us that think some rich people must be -something negative- because they’re too rich.

I personally know some filthy rich people who are very happy and live good, fulfilling lives. To some extent, their wealth helps, and to some extent, it creates issues they need to deal with. I think so long as your wealth isn’t so great that it puts you in the public eye, it’s more of a help than a hindrance, but I suspect that switches around when it DOES put you in the public eye.

(I’m looking forward to catching up with one of them this weekend – among the people I haven’t seen in 3 years. My plan is to work my recent booster hard.)

And some people love being in the public eye, and that creates happiness.

No doubt, but it does also create problems. Like being a kidnapping target, and not trusting who is a real friend.

I’m a happy person, but my puns are anything but pleasant…


yup, comparison is the key to happiness. But compare yourself to those less fortunate than yourself (which is the super majority). Then you’ll be grateful. Then you’ll be happy

poor people don’t commit suicide, rich people do

lol wut

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Can confirm. He’s a ray of sunshine irl.

Some people are better at being miserable with their lives than I am. With respect to a handful of them, this brings me great joy.
Checkmate, pessimist.

Wrong. Toby is the thief of joy.


Old study, but I can’t imagine this has changed significantly over timeL

People who earned less than $34,000 were 50 percent more likely to commit suicide, researchers found. People who earned between $34,000 and $102,000 increased their risk for suicide by only 10 percent.