
Instead of searching for whoever asked and answered these months ago, it would be nice to have a central spot for them.


“Striking out” text:
strike this out
[ s ] strike this out [ / s ]
but without the spaces.

Italics: highlight the text, then “ctrl-i” Or, highlight then click on the slanted “I” (not racist!) on the menu above.
Can also type a “*” at the beginning and end of text.

Bold: highlight the text, then “ctrl-b” Or, highlight then click on the bold B on the menu above.
Can also type “**” at the beginning and end of text.

Underline: underlined text
use [ u ] underlined text [ / u ]
but without the spaces

Spoiler Alert / Hide Details:
Highlight text, then click the gear on the menu above, then click “hide details.”

change font color:
$\textcolor{red}{\text{I’m being sarcastic}}$

\textcolor{red}{\text{I’m being sarcastic}}
but a dollar dollar sign at the front and at the end.

If anyone has any more, add them here, and I’ll add them to the OP.


You can also type out the [ details], [ /details ] yourself

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$\textcolor{red}{\text{Oh, “details,” “details,”… no one wants to hear about those!!}}$

Oh, can someone put a tack in this, so it doesn’t die a miserable death in a few months?

This goes off the end of the (phone) screen, and I can’t quote it to see the rest because long pressing brings up a math menu instead of ordinary long press menu.

“spoiler” tags will do a blurred spoiler

You can also quote a post and the “keyboard” tags will also show up.

Oh, but in the math menu, I was able to set the scaling to 50% to see it all (on a phone screen).

Thanks, Lucy!

You can make a line/paragraph of your post “embiggened” by using a dash (or multiple dashes; no additional effects however) on the line below your embiggened line/paragraph:


This one has a dash

Norm Bold

Dashed Bold





And apparently, this also adds a “hyperlink” to the beginning of the line that will move that part of the post “to the top” of the screen.