Instead of searching for whoever asked and answered these months ago, it would be nice to have a central spot for them.
“Striking out” text:
strike this out
[ s ] strike this out [ / s ]
but without the spaces.
Italics: highlight the text, then “ctrl-i” Or, highlight then click on the slanted “I” (not racist!) on the menu above.
Can also type a “*” at the beginning and end of text.
Bold: highlight the text, then “ctrl-b” Or, highlight then click on the bold B on the menu above.
Can also type “**” at the beginning and end of text.
Underline: underlined text
use [ u ] underlined text [ / u ]
but without the spaces
Spoiler Alert / Hide Details:
Highlight text, then click the gear on the menu above, then click “hide details.”
change font color:
$\textcolor{red}{\text{I’m being sarcastic}}$
\textcolor{red}{\text{I’m being sarcastic}}
but a dollar dollar sign at the front and at the end.
If anyone has any more, add them here, and I’ll add them to the OP.