Secret Trump Interest Thread

Ave you considered bumping this thread?

Pretty sure I’d be in

How about this: If there are an even number of players, you mod. I mod if there are an odd number of players.

Player list:

  1. VA/AS
  2. YankeeMyTripper
  3. AardvarkItas

I would play, preferably starting on or after the 25th but can make anytime work

Even if we do that, it seems like an odd solution.

Your reply is so odd . . . that I can’t . . . even . . .


Just a heads up that I’m thinking of starting up a round of this game sometime toward the end of March or early April.

I’ll be off for a bit over a week for my son’s spring break (going to visit a few college campuses campi? :thinking:); hence the start timing.

Will also take into consideration where the RPS game is for the final start date.

I think I’ll do either Secret Putin or Secret Atreides theme for this round.

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I will play


Bring me that floating fat man.

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