Secret Putin (on the Ritz) Game Thread

The game can be played with anywhere from 5-10 players. Rules/logistics are in the “Spoiler” below (click the triangle to the side).


Game Rules

The Basics

The setting is 2020s Russia. There are two teams, Communists and the Democrats. One of the Communists will be Secret Putin, which will be explained below. The teams will be enumerated as follows:

5 players: 3D, 1C+P
6 players: 4D, 1C+P
7 players: 4D, 2C+P
8 players: 5D, 2C+P
9 players: 5D, 3C+P
10 players, 6D, 3C+P

Communists win if 6 Communist (C) policies are passed, or if Putin is elected Prime Minister (PM) after 3 C policies are passed. The Democrats win if 5 Democratic (D) policies are passed, or if Putin is assassinated.

Before the Game

You will be assigned one of three roles: Democrat, Communist, or Putin. If you are a Democrat, that will be all that you know. If you are Communist, you will be told who your Communist teammates are as well as who Putin is. If you are Putin, unless there are only 5-6 players, you will NOT know who your Communist teammates are.

You will be assigned a seat number as well. Seat 1 will be the first President, and the Presidency will be passed down the list one at a time. It will go back to seat 1 if it gets to the bottom of the list and the game isn’t over yet.

The Policy Deck

The policy deck will have 6 Democratic policies and 11 Communist policies at the start of the game. Once there are fewer than 3 cards remaining in the deck, they are immediately placed with the other discarded policies and a new deck is formed and shuffled. (Suggested randomization of at least 6 times to “shuffle” the electronic deck.)

Phases of the Game

There are three phases of the game: The Election, The Legislative Session, and the Executive Power session.

1. The Election 2. The Legislative Session 3. The Executive Power

1. The Election


Whoever is President may choose whom to nominate as their Prime Minister (PM). The floor is open for discussion among all players about whom to nominate. Once the President decides who they want to nominate, they should post in the thread, in bold, I nominate ______.

Once that is posted, all players should vote ‘Da’ (yes) or ‘Nyet’ (no) via PM to me. I will publicly post each players’ vote after all votes are received. If a majority of votes are ‘da’, then the election passes and we will move on to the Legislative Session. If it fails then the Presidency passes on to the next player and another nomination and election happens. If there are 3 consecutive elections with no successful government formed, then the top policy card of the policy card will be enacted without any further input from the players.

Any player that was in the prior government is not eligible to be the next PM. If there are 5 or fewer players remaining, then only the last PM is ineligible

2. The Legislative Session


Once all the votes are in, I will open the legislative session by posting in the thread. Once the legislative session is open, the President and PM MAY NOT post in the thread until I have closed the legislative session by announcing the result . Other players may continue to have discussions.

Once the legislative session is open, I will DM the President the top three cards of the policy deck. The President will choose 1 to discard by reply to me only in DM. I will then DM the two remaining cards to the PM, who will choose which one to enact. The PM will DM me their choice, and I will close the legislative session in the thread by announcing if a Democratic or Communist policy was passed. If a Communist policy was passed, we will then have the executive power phase, if necessary

3. The Executive Power

5-6 players :
1st fascist policy: No executive power;
2nd fascist policy: Policy Peek
3rd fascist policy: President will call a Special Election, Hitler may now win by being elected chancellor
4th fascist policy: Choice of Policy Peek or Assassinate a player.
5th fascist policy: Whichever power was not used after the 4th fascist policy was passed. Veto power unlocked.

7-8 players :
1st fascist policy: No executive power.
2nd fascist policy: Choice of Policy Peek or Investigate one player.
3rd fascist policy: President will call a Special Election, Hitler may now win by being elected chancellor
4th fascist policy: Choice of Investigate one player or Assassinate one player.
5th fascist policy: Choice of Policy Peek or Assassinate one player. Veto power unlocked.

9-10 players :
1st fascist policy: Choice of Policy Peek or Investigate one player.
2nd fascist policy: Whichever power was not used after the 1st fascist policy was passed.
3rd fascist policy: President will call a Special Election, Hitler may now win by being elected chancellor
4th fascist policy: Assassinate one player.
5th fascist policy: Assassinate one player. Veto power unlocked.


Communist policies are passed, the government becomes more powerful. The CURRENT President (that is, the one that just passed the Communist policy) may get to use an executive power, as listed below.

5-6 players

7-8 players:
1st FR policy: No executive power.
2nd FR policy: Choice of Policy Peek or Investigate one player.
3rd FR policy: President will call a Special Election, Trump may now win by being elected VP
4th FR policy: Choice of Investigate one player or Assassinate one player.
5th FR policy: Choice of Policy Peek or Assassinate one player. Veto power unlocked.

9-10 players
Explanations of Powers:

After the Executive Power phase, if the game is not won, we go to the next election phase with the new President in power.


Players signed up and Seating Order

Seat Player Abbr
1 @Yankeetripper YT
2 @Kenny Ken
3 @Arthuritas AI
4 @J0eBl0w JB
5 @S.Morgenstern SM
6 @John.S.Mill JSM


  1. BruteForce
  2. NerdAlert
  3. Doctor_who
  4. soyleche
1 Like

Quoting your wife in her response to your “bedroom manners”?

I think you’re going to need a new avatar for this game.

Democrats lead 2-1 on policies.

. . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rnd Elect Pres MP C/D YT Ken AI JB SM JSM IPD
1 1 1 7 D Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
2 1 2 5 C N Y Y Y Y Y N
3 1 3 7 D Y Y Y Y N Y Y

Reserved for Posterity

Another quote of your wife’s in her response to your “bedroom manners”?

I believe all roles have been sent out in a DM. Please use that DM for all game communication (ie voting and passing policies).

Without further ado, YT you are president, nominate your PM.

at least @ us in the first post so we know this game exists lol

4 vs 3. I bet Putin likes his odds

I don’t get it. Everyone’s on the same team?


I deleted my post so that AS could have his reserved posts closer to the top.

Plus I felt that it made SM’s post funnier, which it desperately needed.


@YankeeTripper You are the president please nominate your PM.

(@ ing you in case you haven’t been checking.

Commie heckler deleting posts

I nominate IPD

**I nominate IPD **

Let’s try it without the italics

Seriously wtf? Assume the above is in bold so I don’t need to do that again

We have enough of a nomination (Try the “B” button).

IPD has been nominated as PM please DM me your votes.

Yeah the B button is failing me on the I pad kind of like my Democratic colleagues in congress. Hopefully Manchin and Senima aren’t my Democratic “friends” this game.

:astonished: lil ol’ me?