Scrooging in your heart, and Scrooging all the Year

Not a churchgoer so I never tithe. Also don’t donate to random “Add $1 to save starving animals” type things.

Recently donated around $100 between St. Jude’s hospital and a fund to give gifts to a needy family at Christmastime, and I’m always down to give some money to a food bank or similar.

We focus more on individual things than large charities. We recently took in a woman who was being abused and got her set up with a job, and after 3-4 months gave her a month’s rent to get her own place.

I’ll given random homeless people rides to shelters or food banks if they need it. If they’re reasonable I’ll drop them off with a few dollars.

Overall, very Scroog-y compared to people who are donating (tens of) thousands a year.

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I don’t do these either. The corporation takes a tax deduction for my money? GTFO

I forgot that I donated directly to some animal rescue efforts this year.

What I am bad about is keeping track throughout the year and relaying the info to my CPA. So I probably miss some small deductions.

Can they do this? Because can’t you also claim tax deduction for having donated? So that’s double deductions?

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Our area has clubs called 100 men of ‘area’ and 100 women of ‘area’.

Clubs meet 4 times a year. 3 local charities pitch, the membership votes, and most voted charity gets 100 from each member.

Its low effort on the members part, and cool because the charity gets 10k in one fell swoop.


Teh internets say you’re right. They can’t.


What’s the difference if you pay $10 for a burger and tip $2 and a $5 beer and $1 tip or if you are charged $18 for everything?

I prefer the tipping system. If, for example the waiter takes your order down wrong, or they take forever to bring your drinks over because they are b/s’ing with a table with their friends at it, then my tip goes down.

If they do more than usual, the tip goes up.

I don’t think it’s Scroogey to not want to exchange Christmas gifts as adults.

But tell me about some needy family with little kids and I’m all over it. It’s what we like to do.


Big difference imo. Waiter doesn’t get disappointed and doesn’t suffer the volatility from customer generosity and can have a better financial grasp of their income, and the customer doesn’t feel stressed out about tipping, even when the service is bad.

Plus, the food in the US is not cheaper compared to countries with no tipping system, and the service is not better either. Literally lose-lose situation.

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I should not be the arbiter and payor of someone else’s employee. The tipping system exists for lazy employers.
But, need another thread for that. This is for Scrooging only.


Money is necessary, of course, and those who donate a lot of it are doing a good thing. But kindness and caring are in shorter supply, and it sounds like you have more of that than most, so you’re doing far more than many are willing.

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The tipping system specifically rewards customer selfishness and greed.

How do you know that these are the reasons? Maybe the kitchen got the order wrong. Maybe the people he is bs’ing with are customers and they just have a good rapport. You are making a whole host of assumptions about intent that you can’t really know.

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Service has to be pretty blatantly bad for me not to tip generously. If it’s that bad, I’ve already tried to rectify the situation with the server and if need be, the manager. Even then I’ll tip 10% because they get taxed on some assumption of tips anyway.

The system does suck but it’s not going away so :woman_shrugging:


Not with that attitude. DEFUND RESTAURANTS


Sorry, that sounds kinda terrible that 2 out 3 charities had great hopes but go home empty handed. Do I got that right?

My kid works as a coffee slinger (ok, “barista”) at a non-chain local coffee house. It’s a little one-off place that is more or less a Starbucks knock off. Anyway, recently someone donated a $500 tip on a $5 cup of coffee, along with a letter to the staff reminding them how much Jesus loves them. There was a little controversy, though. Normally, the procedure is that daily tips are totalled and divided up by the people that worked that day. It’s about 15 people on staff, so not everybody works every day. The owner of the place decided that everyone gets 1/15th of the large amount, instead of giving 1/6th each to the 6 people that worked that day. That worked out in my kids favor, since she wasn’t there that day. I guess one person was pretty pissed that she didn’t get the larger share. Nothing like the love of Jesus to put jealousy and anger into people’s hearts.


Owner seemed to treat that correctly imo. A tip/gift like that seems to be for the whole team. (Like Jesus’ love.)

Squid Game imo

Yep, that sucks sometimes. Sex abuse support or cancer survivor support, which one?

I’ve thought about it, and don’t have a solution that I think would be palatable.

I do know the losers get some donations though. Members often donate more than their 100, sometimes to the other charities. So it’s not nothing.

The kicker is that the one gets 10k, and I think they don’t want to water it down.