Saying "girl" is demeaning?

What if I say “You go, boooooiiiiiiii!!!” like Flavor Flav???


Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family??

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What if my family don’t like bread, they like cigarettes?

And what if it was a large, starving family? Would that be a crime?

Not pushing it even one bit if a man refers to grown women as “girl” but does not refer grown men of the same age as “boy.”

if I refer to a “girl” at the front desk, you can be sure the young woman is definitely under 12 years old. Would more likely call her a “young woman.”

I think it can be demeaning to women depending on context.

When I’ve heard gay men say it to one another, I didn’t think of it as demeaning. “girl, you wouldn’t believe what I did this weekend…”

Is it offensive to say ‘hey guys’ to a group of mixed gender? I grew up with that being a gender neutral expression, and I’d mostly cut it out. But now my manager (who is a woman) says ‘hey guys’ at the start of every team call.

Offensive, or is ‘hey guys’ reasonably safe?

I don’t think it is offensive, but because others might, I am working on saying hey folks and as an old guy, I can get away with old timey language.

well we call everyone girl. Guy, girl, straight, gay, inanimate object…

My go-to greeting is the gender neutral “WHATSUP NERDS?”. Or just whatsup nerd if its singular.

My spouse isn’t always overly enthused with it, particularly with strangers, but eh, lighten up. Just in case you were wondering if I actually do greet people this way. Yes, I do.


People don’t get to choose other people’s offendedness.

Some wise poster once wrote: “Know your audience.”

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@Echo : do you mind terribly if i call you a gud gurl???

I just say, “whassup”. Actually, “hi” is more my speed. I say “folks” if I feel the need for a noun, but i don’t usually feel the need for a noun.

I’ve been making an effort to stop saying “guys,” especially at work. When I address my whole team, it’s difficult. But I’m making progress.

I am very offended at being called a girl, although it happens FAR less now than it used to. It’s tough being a woman, it’s even tougher when you have to overcome both your age and your gender.

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“fellow kids”

Ma’ peeps.

We say “ Nick Kyrgios is a Canberra product” ( my home town). This covers both women and men.

A colleague said he more or less goes “southern” and just says “hey y’all!”

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