That’s a very slow race. Most 10K races would have some runners well below 40 minutes.
His poor joints later in life though!
i started running 10ks at age 10 or so. im mostly fine (no worse than other dudes about my age)
I’d say pretty similar to last March. I’d not run or been to the gym in two weeks, between being sick and the weather. It was 32° and lightly snowing when we left the house. There were several long, gradual hills, which sucked. We’re still waiting for the times to be posted. I’d forgotten to time myself, and I missed a turn, so I added a little extra distance. 5 weeks until the St. Patrick’s 5k.
Trail run this morning, its been thawing here so some parts were slick. Its an up-to-scenic-overlook-then-down, about 4.5 miles total. Man, uphill trails are tougher than uphills on the road. Had to walk a minute or two a few times. Overall a nice time, hung out at the overlook for three minutes to take in the view.
First thing that goes on my running shoes is a tear where my weewee toe is. Am i rubbing against it too much while not running or something?
I get the same with my big toe. Its happened the last three pairs (2 different brands). Never happened before that.
My ex-wife’s big toe pops out of the shoe within a few runs. Talk about stress!!!