RIP thread

I loved her. I honestly loved her.


A lot of us did.

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Hopelessly devoted




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Sandy the 29 year old high school student. Apparently Australian education was a little behind in those days.


Doesn’t matter. Ridiculously tight pants


I didn’t see Grease when I was younger. I still think that is weird. But I remember her voice/music. Great person too.

I was working at a day camp when it came out. It was so popular with the young kids, it was played so often and sung constantly by the kids, that I developed an aversion to the music. Like the smell of Tequila, after the big drunk

Try working at a pizza joint that had a jukebox when Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” came out.

The teenage girls would come in… 3 songs for 50 cents. They’d put in $1 and play I Will Always Love You six times.

Repeatedly. Every.Single.Shift.

There were times we’d just unplug it and give them their money back but that was usually after a double-digit number of playings in a shift.

That was when the movie just came out and I’d say it’s been in the last 5 years or so I’ve been able to hear the song without recoiling.

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I loved Grease when I was younger, too young to understand the sexual innuendos and emotional nuances but old enough to enjoy the music. Playing Hopelessly Devoted brought tears to my eyes yesterday, not only because of the nostalgia but just the sheer passion that Olivia put into the song. One of the greatest vocal performances I’ve seen in a movie.

I’m a little confused what she died from. Did she actually have breast cancer for 30 years?

Grease is awesome. I was too young for it when it came out in 1978 and didn’t see it until later. My high school did Grease the year after I graduated and my sister played the piano parts for it. I was impressed. Didn’t realize she was actually decent at the piano.

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It probably would have been PG-13 if it existed at that time.

I think many kids liked it because they knew there was innuendo and it made them feel mature

Yes, in general cancer is not cured, just in remission and can come back at any time. My mother has been treated twice for breast cancer.

My friends and I loved it when Travolta sang “shit” in Greased Lightning. Took me a couple more years before I knew what “tit” meant.

Are you sure about this? My mother had breast cancer in 1991. Got chemo and radiation and it hasn’t come back in over 30 years. Not wanting to jinx the cancer gods here :grimacing: Her cancer was linked to hormones though in not being menopausal yet. Chemo threw her into menopause, which I think might have helped her odds to not have it return. I think there are different kinds of breast cancer and not all of them are equally likely to return.

My mother’s aunt also had breast cancer when she was the same age as my mother was, 48. She lived to be over 100 and didn’t die from cancer. I can conclusively say my great aunt’s cancer never came back in over 50 years. Although, my grandmother was all conspiracy theory about that and tought my great aunt never actually had cancer.

In googling it, some doctor’s claim that 5 years of remission means you’re cured. Surely 30 plus years has got to mean the cancer in your body from that original diagnosis is gone and any future diagnosis of cancer is not going to be the same origin.

I think there is no way of knowing for sure that the cancer is gone.

However, if it doesn’t come back in five years, then usually it isn’t coming back. After 30, id have to think your mom is not really at much higher risk than anybody else.

I believe that if it comes back once, that often means it can probably never be completely cured.

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I think it depends on the kind of cancer. My grandma had some kind of uterine cancer in the 70’s. It was treated and never came back. She lived another 30-40 years and never had a recurrence.

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Whether the 2018 spine cancer was related to the 2017 breast cancer… no clue.

But it sounds like it wasn’t something that went into remission in the 90s and then just suddenly came back and killed her in 2022.

Regardless… :cry:

Oh im sure the 2018 spine cancer was from the 2017 breast cancer. I doubt it was linked to the 1992 breast cancer though.

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