RIP thread

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My favorite Norm MacDonald joke:

They say he lost the battle with cancer. But when he died, the cancer died, too, didn’t it? So it was more like a tie.



hear, hear,

fuck cancer

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7 posts were split to a new topic: RIP thread guidelines

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A post was merged into an existing topic: RIP thread guidelines

RIP. :cry:

Also here:

Well, from the linked article:

Powell had a weakened immune system following his struggle with multiple myeloma, a cancer that directly affects the body’s ability to fight infections.

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Peter Scolari.


Unless Alec Baldwin gave him cancer 2 years ago, no.

James Michael Tyler (Gunther from Friends)


My MIL has recently changed her relationship status . . .

It is now Widowed.

My FIL, Allan Glover, passed away last Tues via voluntary termination of life after battling stage 4 cancer for the last 8 months. He was assisted by his oldest daughter (my SIL) with his wife in attendance.

We got confirmation that the prescription for this procedure was approved on Monday and would be available the following day. My wife and I made a mad scramble to make the 1,000 mile trip in time, only to arrive right before he was officially pronounced deceased. We have spent the last several days helping the new widow get things arranged and situated. We just returned home.

A Celebration of Life is planned to be held sometime in mid-2022.

We was a great man and a role model for being a Father-in-Law.


Sorry for your loss VA

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Sorry for your loss VA and it’s wonderful that you had such a great FIL.

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Sorry for your (and Mrs VA’s) loss.

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Sorry for your loss. Nice that he was able to go out on his own terms.

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Sorry for your family’s loss.

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Sorry for your loss, VA.

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