Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

Louisiana Governor threatens to take away scholarships… because the LSU women’s basketball team was not on the court when the natio0nal Anthem was being played.

In college, the teams are often not on the court or field. It is not part of the sacred loyalty oath sports ritual as it is in pro sports.

Meanwhile, an LSU spokesperson pointed out in a statement that both the men’s and women’s basketball teams have stayed in the locker room during the national anthem for a long time, preparing for the game instead:

“Our basketball programs have not been on the court for the anthem for the last several seasons. Usually the anthem is played 12 minutes before the game when the team is in the locker room doing final preparations.”

Even at college football games the players aren’t on the sidelines. Usually, because the national anthem is played by a full marching band, and having the teams on the sidelines makes it harder for the band to get off the field.

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Right-wingers seem to be increasingly adopting incel language and ideology. It’s like they saw all the reporting that women are increasingly unwilling to date conservatives and concluded that something
must be “screwing up women”. I feel most commonly the conclusion is that “woke” messes up women, but here’s a different brain-dead take.



I didn’t want to sully the earthquake thread with politics.


I had to check it was real - I mean, how easy it is to make an absolutely dumbass Tweet and slap somebody’s name on it?

It got better.


Just how stupid are the voters in her district?

Use “church-going” as a correlation stat if necessary.

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“Says stupid shit on social media” became a coalition building positive back in 2015.


Prediction before an eclipse in 2017:

Various evangelist groups across the US, for example, have already heralded the eclipse as a sign of impending apocalypse. A Christian prophecy website called Unsealed claims that it will spark the beginning of the so-called Tribulation, a seven-year period in which 75% of the world’s population will be destroyed.

I have to say that I’m disappointed that Trump’s cult hasn’t made more of a big deal over the proximity of the epicenter to Bedminster.

Some folks who are sick of Trump certainly have.



Those people are idiots, but birth control can cause severe mood issues. It’s not that uncommon.

Yeah - not like this.

“It creates very angry and bitter young ladies and young women,” Kirk argued. "Then that bitterness then manifests into a political party that is the bitter party. I mean, the Democrat Party is all about ‘bring us your bitterness and, you know, we’ll give you free stuff.’”

Some people have severe issues. It doesn’t cause a generation of angry, bitter Democrats.


And yet other women experience mood stabilization with birth control.


Anything can happen, but the question is what’s relatively common. The birth control / mood thing should be widely known. I have a good friend who went into a really bad place and changing birth control form from pill to IUD coincided with all the symptoms disappearing. She had no idea it was so common for birth control hormones to cause this, which wasted a year of her life before someone told her.

That doesn’t mean that incel philosophy is good and feminism is bad. Lots of bad ideologies are based on a grain of truth though.

Oh, and women don’t have the monopoly on bitterness. Most shootings are caused by bitterness against something. Most shooters are male. I can make a good case that Republicans cater to bitterness. But then, politicians generally need to cater to some emotion and bitterness is a good one.

My understanding is that males go through hormonal cycles too and those can impact their moods. There’s just not the physical evidence like there is with females.

Anyway, lol at MAGAers thinking that birth control is the reason women don’t want to go out with them … not their hatred of women.


The point of the claim wasn’t that some women have bad reactions to birth control. That’s a normal and rational thing to claim. The claim was that birth control is making people into angry Democrats.

From my point of bias I would expect an average angry, bitter person to be more likely MAGA rather than Democrat. Either way, Democrats certainly don’t have a monopoly on angry, bitter people, and Charlie Kirk is an idiot.


Eh. I don’t want to tweet that, either.
Because, I don’t want to tweet anything.

But she has a Twitter account and posts, so you’re comparing Tim Apple to an orange man.


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What else has she tweeted? Has she been forced, er, asked, to tweet other things, because other people want her to?
Did she even understand the question? cuz ES (or T or F) L? Cuz worked as an illegal alien at one point in her life?

This is a country where we speak English.

Before you argue, I’m quoting her husband.

As to your other question, I looked at her Twitter account and she does post regularly. She also had the FLOTUS account, which would have been appropriate.

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