
I solved Redactle Unlimited #421 in 48 guesses with an accuracy of 60.42% and a time of 00:03:35. Play at

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38 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:03:43 00:11:25 00:03:35
Guesses 98 106.74 48
Accuracy 48.65% 44.03% 60.42%

7, 71%

Cloud was my second guess, and I couldn’t think of a seven letter cloud for a bit.

You solved Redactle Unlimited #421 in 55 guesses with 58.18% accuracy

I knew it was about a type of cloud, but I had to look up types of clouds

61 - 64%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #421 in 85 guesses with an accuracy of 72.94% and a time of 00:21:20.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #421 in 125 guesses with an accuracy of 52.8% and a time of 00:33:00.

Found the word species early which had me look for living things.

You solved Redactle Unlimited #421 in 27 guesses with 62.96% accuracy and a time of 00:09:46!

Cumulonimbus was the first cloud to pop into my head. It took a little thinking to separate them.


I saw a lot of temperatures, and what looked like elevations. I think there was something else that is escaping me right now, but my best guess was it was related to the atmosphere or the weather. My first guess was air, with quite a few hits. That plus the five letter word, figured it was a good guess.

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I solved Redactle Unlimited #422 in 89 guesses with an accuracy of 61.8% and a time of 00:09:23. Play at

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40 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:03:12 00:11:48 00:09:23
Guesses 154 182.72 89
Accuracy 65.09% 59.23% 61.8%

60, 67%

Cheated. I got 12th century philosopher, crap. Gave it a good try but wasn’t getting anywhere, never heard of this guy.

Cheated after 179 guesses.

I’d read about this guy after coming across his story in a book about the middle ages but just couldn’t remember his last name.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #422 in 51 guesses with an accuracy of 68.63% and a time of 00:19:06. Cheated

125 - 65%


You solved Redactle Unlimited #422 in 69 guesses with 55.07% accuracy and a time of 00:14:59!

Cheat and it was just as well. My first two guesses were John and Malkovich and that really threw me off.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #423 in 31 guesses with an accuracy of 54.84% and a time of 00:16:44.

I thought the name of the weapon was slingshot so did not expect sling to be the answer.

21, 62%

17 - 88%

to me a slingshot (Dennis The Menace) is an elastic between V shaped wood or plastic

A sling ( David and Goliath) is cloth, you put a stone in, swing and release one side

I solved Redactle Unlimited #423 in 159 guesses with an accuracy of 48.43% and a time of 00:32:21. Play at


1,696 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:10:58 00:14:36 00:32:21
Guesses 57 78.26 159
Accuracy 65.88% 59.90% 48.43%