
You solved Redactle Unlimited #405 in 13 guesses with 69.23% accuracy and a time of 00:05:03!

Negative was the first thing that popped into my mind and once I’d blown my chance at the “1”, I wasted more guesses on filling in to verify.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #405 in 4 guesses with an accuracy of 100% and a time of 00:01:02.

You solved Redactle Unlimited #405 in 23 guesses with 82.61% accuracy… darn, I’m starting to feel I should have done much better

I solved Redactle Unlimited #405 in 9 guesses with an accuracy of 77.78% and a time of 00:01:15. Play at

3,187 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:01:27 00:03:08 00:01:15
Guesses 6 16.50 9
Accuracy 88.89% 67.19% 77.78%

126, 55%

Cheated. Had a lot of various parts filled in, got hung up in all of the ‘3+2+3’ and ‘3 1/2’ year cycles for a while. I was multitasking so a little distracted, but I’ve never heard of this. I might have eventually guessed ‘process’ but would not have gotten bologna.

140 - 58%

figured out what it was, but never heard of it. Caught up on cycles for way too long


Tried all the European cities I could think of, but in the end it was a bunch of baloney.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #406 in 104 guesses with an accuracy of 64.42% and a time of 00:11:44. Hints used: 1 Play at

Global Statistics for this Article

3,072 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:18:06 00:24:16 00:11:44
Guesses 97 126.83 104
Accuracy 57.89% 53.73% 64.42%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #406 in 116 guesses with an accuracy of 60.34% and a time of 00:38:30.

Cheated- never heard of it

Yeah, I knew there was something, but had no idea what it was called.

33, 82%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #407 in 46 guesses with an accuracy of 84.78% and a time of 00:05:16. Play at

Global Statistics for this Article

678 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:08:19 00:10:32 00:05:16
Guesses 55 71.39 46
Accuracy 78.57% 72.01% 84.78%

68 - 82%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #407 in 21 guesses with an accuracy of 76.19% and a time of 00:09:31.

Saw “next of ***” so thought of next of kin, then death, then it came quickly.

1 Like

You solved Redactle Unlimited #407 in 19 guesses with 89.47% accuracy

6 feet under gave it away

You solved Redactle Unlimited #407 in 120 guesses with 70% accuracy and a time of 00:33:29!

I kept running into words that made it seem like it was referring to something edible. I finally got War Memorial, which let me know I was looking at it wrong. It still took me about 20 more guesses to get to the exact word.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #407 in 71 guesses with an accuracy of 83.1% and a time of 00:25:42.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #408 in 18 guesses with an accuracy of 88.89% and a time of 00:02:51. Play at

Global Statistics for this Article

37 players have played this game so far.

Median Average Your Game
Duration 00:01:47 00:09:54 00:02:51
Guesses 50 101.38 18
Accuracy 76.74% 63.00% 88.89%

8, 63%

You solved Redactle Unlimited #408 in 18 guesses with 77.78% accuracy and a time of 00:05:14!

City at #1 helped. Getting the name was helped because my mom used to often sing this:
1947 HITS ARCHIVE: Managua, Nicaragua - Guy Lombardo (Don Rodney & trio, vocal) (a #1 record) - YouTube