
107 - 48%

cheated, just wasn’t getting anywhere

I solved Redactle Unlimited #336 in 122 guesses with an accuracy of 35.25% and a time of 00:26:00. Play at

Statistics for this Article

All Games This Game
games played 4281 1
mean duration 00:14:32 00:26:00
mean accuracy 43.40% 35.25%
mean guess count 80.79 122
mean hit count 35.07 43

You solved Redactle Unlimited #336 in 125 guesses with 42.4% accuracy and a time of 00:37:08

Gave up & cheated. Did not have a clue!

I solved Redactle Unlimited #337 in 229 guesses with an accuracy of 67.69% and a time of 00:45:30.

American term that I didn’t use growing up but seen on plenty of tv shows

I solved Redactle Unlimited #337 in 156 guesses with an accuracy of 79.49% and a time of 00:48:24. Hints used: 3 Play at

There are times when I hate this game.

81 - 79%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #337 in 48 guesses with an accuracy of 77.08% and a time of 00:15:43. Play at

Statistics for this Article

All Games This Game
games played 1199 1
mean duration 00:16:32 00:15:43
mean accuracy 75.99% 77.08%
mean guess count 91.93 48
mean hit count 69.85 37

76, 79%

Got too fixated on sex!


I solved Redactle Unlimited #337 in 64 guesses with an accuracy of 85.94% and a time of 00:21:05.

You solved Redactle Unlimited #337 in 207 guesses with 80.19% accuracy and a time of 00:41:17!

I kept thinking I was really close and the next word would be it. Then, wouldn’t you know it, that happened.

1 Like

70 - 60%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #338 in 124 guesses with an accuracy of 44.35% and a time of 00:21:26.

I couldn’t remember what it was called then I thought of the annual statement

102, 52%

Got hung up on the ‘investment’ aspect for a good while.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #338 in 109 guesses with an accuracy of 44.04% and a time of 00:27:07. Hints used: 1 Play at

I solved Redactle Unlimited #338 in 29 guesses with an accuracy of 68.97% and a time of 00:04:32. Play at

Statistics for this Article

All Games This Game
games played 1165 1
mean duration 00:13:50 00:04:32
mean accuracy 47.59% 68.97%
mean guess count 86.12 29
mean hit count 40.98 20

I solved Redactle Unlimited #338 in 166 guesses with an accuracy of 59.64% and a time of 01:01:03.

You solved Redactle Unlimited #338 in 18 guesses with 61.11% accuracy and a time of 00:02:39!

I focused on the “65% of homes in the U.S. are owned by the” part. I got US right away, and homes was my second choice after people. I was thinking along the lines of heated, rather than owned, at first, but once I got owned, it was easy.

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10, 90%

36 - 78%

I solved Redactle Unlimited #339 in 3 guesses with an accuracy of 100% and a time of 00:04:33.

One of my neighbors growing up. My first guess was island, which garnered 68 hits. Lots of islands start with the word New. I also noticed that a section was After ***** *** **, so assumed that was world war II and I knew that New Guinea had lots of battles in WWII