
9, 89%

I solved Redactle #751 in 39 guesses with an accuracy of 92.3%

I solved Redactle #751 in 55 guesses with an accuracy of 70.9% and a time of 00:11:01. Play at

75 - 79%

I solved Redactle #751 in 54 guesses with an accuracy of 68.5% and a time of 00:13:07.

I solved Redactle #751 in 54 guesses with an accuracy of 74.1% and a time of 00:25:13.

My daughter would be disgusted…her best mate was a champion over here!!

2, 100%

I solved Redactle #752 in 5 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:01:10. Play at

2 - 100%

I solved Redactle #752 in 2 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:02:57.

I solved Redactle #752 in 5 guesses with an accuracy of 80.0% and a time of 00:03:16.

19, 84%

I solved Redactle #753 in 18 guesses with an accuracy of 83.3% and a time of 00:04:13. Play at

15 - 67%

What was yesterday’s answer? I took a peek, but didn’t see the answer right away, then never got back to it.

Nashville, Tennessee

pretty easy one, nine letter largest city in a nine letter state

I solved Redactle #753 in 6 guesses with an accuracy of 83.3% and a time of 00:03:43. Play at

I solved Redactle #753 in 3 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:03:23.

Saw “with the round of” and thought of sports.

I solved Redactle #753 in 20 guesses with an accuracy of 95.0% and a time of 00:08:52.

You can go back to previous puzzles with the double back arrow to the left of the puzzle number.

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