Random Thoughts

I tot I taw a puddy tat

“I don’t want ice cream of the future, I want ice cream of today!”
– Mrs Bro, years ago.


The call of the hangry.


There is?



Buy two, get one free!

Election is an enjoyable, underrated movie.

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If you’re going to open up a can of worms this morning, do it around a flock of urly berdz.

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A bifold only has one fold. A trifold only has two folds.

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a unifold is a sheet of paper?


my 6 yo grandson and 99 yo dad have the same amount of patience when waiting for food in a restaurant


It is with a heavy heart that I inform you all that Kevin James’s newest special on Prime has broken the crush. I knew he was friends with Joe Rogan and the special doesn’t really even get into politics but he’s clearly not my kind of dude, it definitely had that conservative vibe and the whole “people are too soft now” whininess. He also used his kids and wife as butts of some of his jokes, which I’m sure he had his permission for but still, yuck. Reminiscing about the good old days when dads could beat their kids and we were allowed to make our kids feel shitty because it was supposed to be character building, yada yada yada.

But thankfully Doug Heffernan and Paul Blart are my kinds of dudes and I can appreciate his past art with no impact. Hallelujah. Nevermind that Doug Heffernan has no discernible differences from Kevin James, doesn’t matter. Cutie Patootie.


This weekend I finished installing some security cameras.

This morning , I awoke to video of three police officers running through my front yard/driveway into (presumably) my neighbors backyard. There’s an 8(?) foot chain link fence back there so who knows what they did once they got to that.

I looked up news stories and there was a shooting at the park “in” my backyard. That park is ~1 mile away as the dog walks or ~0.5 miles as the police officer runs.

I didn’t get video of them leaving so they must have retreated by a different route.

I missed the name of the thread containing @NerdAlert’s declaration that she wouldn’t be posting there for a month.

I thought she meant she wouldn’t be posting on GoA at all for a month, so I was surprised to see a post 17 hours later.

But then I realized that she was posting in the napping thread and her hard thing for September was spending less time in bed.


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I’m sorry for the loss of your crush.


After I got lasik, my phone was too blurry to read while in bed. As I sit here now, I can read my phone just fine, but in bed, its just too close. So I rarely use my phone while in bed. So that was an unexpected benefit.


I ordered take out from a Venezuelan restaurant today. As I was waiting for my order this story was at the top of my news feed:
CNN Exclusive: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

Been reading a few pieces on AI advances and this passage by James Manyka (Google) I found enlightening given that a lot of firms are using AI to try to cut costs.

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