Random Thoughts

There’s a certain feeling of satisfaction I get when I see an alert that someone has “liked” one of my posts.

I should give out more likes.


Thanks, everybody! I just got the “Nice Reply” badge.
Ooh – “You can earn this multiple times”


There seems to be a lot of mixed-race couples in TV commercials these days. But usually black and white people. Rarely Asians.

For diversity, I guess. And it’s cheaper than filming two commercials, one with a white couple and another with a black couple. Just mush them together in one ad.

My spouse thought there was a reduction (of both mixed race and same sex couples) during the month of October/November to give “people” one less thing to be mad about, but I didn’t notice a change. I also don’t watch commercials. If we don’t DVR something and zip past the commercials, as soon as a commercial comes on, my book comes up :open_book: (I thought we had the little book reading emoticon from AO)

I just pay attention to insurance ads.

Were you hash-tagging?


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When I see the “replying…” notification to a topic I’m reading I’m filled with a certain anticipation of what could come next.

…similar to seeing the “…” on my phone text messages.

When my puppy drops a steaming pile, I often think of the ao and the bickering around using that term

Well, this sucks:

I guess I’ll just have to watch it online this year:

Johann Sebastian Bach - Gott ist mein König, BWV 71 - YouTube

Ugh…I forgot my thought.

How much does that annoy you?

I’d post about it in another thread but I’d probably lose that thought along the way, too.

Really random thought last night. For some reason I recalled how when I was young we always had a plate of sliced white bread on the table for every meal. Everyone had a slice or two of buttered bread. And it wasn’t just us, I recall other families doing this back then as well. Haven’t seen this anywhere else, or since though.

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We had rye in our house and at the church suppers. :yum: :bread:

It wasn’t common in my household growing up but I do recall it being a thing amongst other households…especially if they were farmers…and also back in the 90s someone mentioning how it’s a “thing”

We had that all the time too. Usually had some jam to put on it too. I hadn’t thought about that in years.

…I often had toast for breakfast, but we didn’t really do that bread thing.

What is funny to me now are which foods of my childhood I cannot stand to eat now. I can’t have that squishy white bread (Wonder Bread-type) that I grew up eating. I remember that generic orange drink, too. Blech.

Commercial white bread is waaaay too sweet for my liking. :-1:

Ours was wheat bread (I didn’t have white bread until I left for college) but it was only my mom’s side of the family (from the mid-west), not my dad’s side. We also used to have bread (not toast) and butter as snacks, rather than chips or other snack foods. Feeling nostalgic now.