Random Thoughts

we know it as “eggs in a basket”

What does a vampire kitty-cat say?


Worther’s Originals soft caramels are amazing.

Might have gone one Thai pepper too far making dinner.


Was watching the gold medal women’s hockey game last night.

With 1:25 left in the 3rd period a Canadian player got called for a 2 minute penalty. Score was 3-1 Canada.

They posted the Power Play time as 2 minutes and it’s counting down with 35 seconds more than the game clock.

This seems wholly unnecessary. There is no possibility of that penalty carrying over into overtime because there won’t BE an overtime unless the US scored a Power-Play-ending goal. (Two goals, actually.)

If the winning team gets a penalty with under 2 minutes in 3rd period there is simply no point to having a Power Play clock. The Power Play just goes to the end of the game or when the non-penalized team scores, whichever happens first.

If the score is tied or the losing team gets a penalty, then sure. But not if the winning team gets one. Kind of like turning off the shot clock or the play clock in the waning seconds of a basketball/football game.

I read this entire post by Twig, it was great and a worthwhile addition to this thread.

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P(2 goals scored|team is on power play, t<2 min) > 0.

It might be close to zero, but it is certainly not equal to zero. Therefore, I agree with the separate posting of the Power Play timer.

No, it’s identically equal to zero.

It’s low but non-zero that the game will go into overtime, but it’s identically equal to zero that the Power Play will go into overtime.

In order for the game to go to overtime, the US must score. But if they score, the Power Play is definitionally over.

If the US had gotten the penalty then certainly keep the timer going. Two shorthand goals in 1:25 is pretty dang unlikely but theoretically possible. But Canada’s penalty continuing into overtime was not even theoretically possible. Unless there’s some hockey rule that I don’t understand. (Possible.)

Hey, if you don’t want to read about my random thoughts, don’t read my posts in the Random Thoughts thread. That’s on you buddy.

OK, valid point, miss Twig. Sorry.

Ah…yes…you are correct.

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Officiating mechanics can be difficult at times. To make exceptions to their administration leads to unnecessary errors. So while you are correct that the extra penalty time is not needed in this case, setting the timer for this penalty in the exact same way it is set for the rest of the game reduces the probably that the penalty will be incorrectly enforced. This is not likely to occur at the professional level but officiating mechanics are used throughout the sport and would almost certainly occur at lower levels like high school.

In addition, penalty stats are kept in hockey. With a 2 minute timer on a 2 minute penalty, it is very clear how the stat is recorded. If penalty time is capped at the remaining game time, the stat becomes more complicated. Almost certainly, this penalty timing that aggravates you is actually written into the rules as the way to do it.


I’ve always had a crooked smile. I have had Invisalign for almost a year and a half now, probably have another 6-12 months to go. My front teeth are done shifting at this point.

My smile is still crooked, just because of my lips and gums. But today I was looking at it and realized…I no longer care. That’s a nice feeling.


15 posts were split to a new topic: Advantages of “Premium” Gas/Petrol

Niece is watching Chicken Little and for some reason I keep thinking about bridge steel vs building steel. Weird.


Sometimes I like making a sarcastic comment to see if anyone picks up on it or not.

That’s really clever of you.

I use my microwave as a mirror more often than I use it to cook food.

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Upon reading MPC’s latest blog post on death I had the reoccurring thought I get the idea that people (not mpc, mind you) seem to be shocked/angry/wevegotodosomethingaboutthis about the #1 cause of death and that by eliminating it there wouldn’t be a #1 cause of death anymore.

I may be way off.

That’s also a poorly worded first sentence.

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I wonder if, when Dawn Fraser jumped into the pool at the start of the race the announcer exclaimed “[There] goes Dawn Fraser! [There] goes Dawn Fraser!”?