Random Thoughts

I think of disc golf types as driving a beat up old Honda Civic with a bong in the trunk.

Admittedly we play occasionally now, but the stereotype was formed ~20 years ago when I was in college and played a lot more. At the course I played at most, there was a place most players stopped mid round to smoke weed. I remember one crew offered me a hit, and when I turned them down, they seemed genuinely confused at the concept of somebody turning down free weed.

Another memory was of two guys playing at 10am with a cooler of beer. They then were complaining about how they don’t get invited to extended family events as they proceeded to get totally loaded as we played.

There probably were square middle aged folks playing, just did not stick in memory.

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Huh, I think of disc golfers as the privileged granola types… a stereotype I picked up in college as that’s what my college had a lot of. And a very popular pastime at my college.


Well, I would be hard pressed to deny being a privileged granola type myself, so you may be on to something there.


Probably weren’t a lot of Tesla drivers at the disc golf course twenty years ago.

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I don’t mean that in a bad way; I hope that wasn’t offensive. That description probably fits like 75% of my family & friends FWIW.

Now I want French toast.


See the GoA Recipe Book which references the AO recipe book for a slightly more-complicated, slightly more-elevated French Toast:

Now I want French toast and I miss the AO.


I certainly was not offended. The fact that being a rich white cis straight male makes my life easy is more of a commentary on society that it is on me.

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Do you think deaf people think farts are as funny as people that can hear them do?

Probably not because they only get the smell, and there ain’t nothing funny about that.


do YOU think silent but deadly is funny? There’s your answer.



there are situations where the smell is amazingly funny. and also awful. one is a pre-req for the other

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I haven’t bought any gas yet in 2022.


Also, despite my protestations, “Linux” is pronounced “Lynn-icks” and not “Lean-ooks” like it would be if it was pronounced according to Finnish conventions…of course, Finns don’t really use the letter “x”, so they’d first re-spell it “Linuks” and then pronounce it that way and then it wouldn’t be “Linux” anymore.

Why does the creator think this when the G is for graphics, which is a hard G?

And “gi” is also a hard G in most cases.

gift, girl, give, giddy, gills, gild, ginkgo

Exceptions: gibberish and gin

Probably not an exhaustive list.

I think it’s for the same reason that the Finnish creator of Linux also pronounces it incorrectly.

Also not an exhaustive liszt: