Quirky things you do

I like to spread PB on a slice of bread, then sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top. It’s great as toast too, but sometimes I’m lazy and/or impatient.

I got a turkey club on brown with fries last week from my local diner. real carved turkey, crispy bacon, lettuce and tomato :drooling_face: So gooooood!!! :yum:

ETA: They put the mayo on the side so the sammich doesn’t get soggy!!! :+1:

Oh man, my family played the ‘is it a sandwich?’ game for a long time. I don’t generally think of a hot dog as being a sandwich but I’m open to discussion.

Wait, how do you get two sandwiches worth of PB? Are you only putting PB on one slice of bread when you make a PB&J? If so, then you’d really benefit from this sandwich workshop.

When Mrs. 321 and I were in my first career area, one night after the kids went to bed she went to visit some people from church. She was gone for longer than I was expecting and then I got a call from the people she had been visiting. They told me that they had been watching a movie and she had watched some of it and that when she came home I should be in the pantry aligning all the cans so that they were in straight lines with the labels all facing out exactly straight. They didn’t tell me why but I did it. She walked in and saw me doing this and totally freaked out and started screaming at me asking what I was doing and why. Then I find out they were watching “Sleeping With The Enemy”. She had brought the video tape home so we could watch it because she hadn’t been able to watch the whole thing. I was usually up and gone before she got up because the kids slept in late then and so I took the stripped towels in the bathroom and lined them up with all the stripes and edges matching exactly like the guy in the movie. She didn’t think that was very funny.

All that to say, I now 35 years later, find myself lining things up like that because it calms my nerves some. I try not to make it too obvious, like I’ll only do one shelf one day and maybe the next week do another shelf of cans/bottles in the pantry or do the towels only one or 2 days a week and rarely on consecutive days. She either doesn’t notice or it doesn’t bother her now.

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Maybe this is quirky. Any time I have a contractor do major work, I take pics, find the subreddit for the relevant trade, and ask them to review and rate it.

Thankfully, no major red flags so far. I had some plumbing reviewed, my roof, my HVAC. It’s funny to see the comments. Most are pretty vanilla, something like ‘I might have done this a slightly different way but it’s totally fine,’ or ‘I’m concerned about this and you should ask your guy.’

And then because it’s the internet, some folks are like ‘they used regular zip ties outdoors and they really should be using the black ones that are UV resistant.’ Yeah, take about 20% off there buddy. I can’t call my contractor with a straight face and ask them to replace zip ties.

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No, bit fair enough. You should be using black zip ties if they’re exposed. I expect the white ones will degrade.

Yeah, I’ll fix it if and when they do. The unit is on the north side of the house so very little sun. And we almost never walk there, it’s got some vine things that grow there and we don’t mow it.

I forget things when I go places. Keys, phone(s), credit cards.
My personal cell phone was left at a charging station in DC’s Union station as a matter of fact.
Luckily when I called it the worker answered and will send it to me. I told him $100 will get into your cash app account.

I’m going to get a fanny pack

This is why I’m married. Where’s my keys? Where’s my glasses? Where’s my lunch? Ok, not that last one, not if I know what’s good for me.

Sometimes I put my glasses on top of my head and ask ‘have you seen my glasses?’. Which is pretty funny I think.

Quirky thing I do. When I’m in bed naked, and no one is around, I… wouldn’t you like to know? Prolly not…

All right. I was at Ace for other parts and decided to take 20 minutes and do it. Now with not only exterior rated zip ties, but I encased the wire in conduit.

I have a strong dislike of using coupons for free stuff. I would rather pay full price than go into a store and use a coupon where I owe nothing at all.

Our kids got free pizzas last night at a hockey game. They’re only redeemable today. I feel the need to buy extra things so that I’m at least spending money at the establishment.

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It’s weird, I generally don’t like using coupons, and I’m not sure why. On the flip side I love a good sale, and I don’t know why I’m happy to get half off with a sale price but I don’t feel as great about a coupon for half off.

And yeah, if I have a coupon for a free pizza then I’d buy another pizza and likely tip more.

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I know why I don’t like to use coupons: they are usually for food that no one should eat (even though they can be quite tasty). I don’t want to eat that stuff or even have it in my house, because I will eat it. Pizza is included on that list. Yes, I had pizza yesterday. No coupon, though. Pieology, which is OK, but the line is slow because pizza maker asks about seven questions while making a pizza. Similar experiences at the other major pizza-making-in-front-of-your-face franchises and burrito-making-in-front-of-your-face franchises.
So, to keep it on-topic: I often think about the business model of a company while waiting in their lines. The longer the lines, the more I think. A dangerous pastime, I know.

Coupon: “only valid at participating locations”
Me: “Are you a participating location?”
Cashier: “iono, lemme ask”
Manager: “No, we’re in a ________”
Me: [walks off]

I’ve taken to noting dates that i start using things, like toothpaste.
Taken me 5 months to get through a tube of Toothpaste, for example.

Yeah I fall for that all the time. The bakery that made our wedding cake gives us a free topper every year on our anniversary

I always walk out holding a dozen cookies and a key lime pie in addition to the topper. $50 poorer but hey I got a free wedding cake topper

Maybe it’s because my parents were so damn cheap I go overboard to not look like a cheap black dude

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My wife and I will lose cards… credit cards, insurance cards, driver licenses… and go months or years without replacing them.