QFI Quant - Spring 2021 thread

Starting a thread for the QFI Quant - Spring 2021 sitting. Exam date is Wed Apr 28.

Registration for the exam is now open. Should be a good time.

PS - Good luck finding a location to take this exam . . .

I was surprised when registering about exam start times. In the fall, my friend (different state) had hers start at 8am and mine started at 8:30. This time mine starts at 9am. I guess it doesn’t matter since the exams are so long anyways, but it just doesn’t seem to the SOA’s super-strict standard.

Also prices went up $100 :expressionless:

The SOA officially announced this exam is the same format as the fall - handwritten pencil and paper + computer (rather than 100% CBT). I’m happy about that :partying_face:


We’re a week and a half out… how are people feeling?

I’m currently in the panicky “there’s no way I’ll be ready” part. I feel like I’m stronger on concepts and weaker on the math part than last fall. That’s a good problem I guess but still…