"Premier Golf League"

And, now someone wants “top stars” of golf to split away, so that they compete only with each other.

The idea for a rival golf tour gained traction early in 2020, with talk of big guarantees and team structure that originally saw an 18-event schedule from January to September with 48-player fields and $10 million purses each week, with a season-ending team championship. The idea is to create a star-driven global tour that would play around the world.

The PGA Tour has already decided to give away money to players who “move the needles.” Golf is supposed to be earning based on merit, and if you’re “popular” enough to “move needles,” you’ll also earn money for your smile and demeanor and ability to act as if you prefer some product, off the course, separately.

Two weeks after that came the disclosure of a Player Incentive Program that was quietly approved last year and began in 2021 with a $40 million bonus pool to be split among 10 players who perform the best in various engagement activities that "move the needle,‘’ and would pay $8 million to the player who leads the program.

What kind of antics (or mere discussions) would be pulled on the course in order to move needles?

See: Gilmore, Happy

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Well, this literally media-killing regime ain’t getting anyone for their “Tour.” Even though no one said it outright, all those things Phil said about them (Saudis) are far more important, as no one wants to be linked to that shit.
But, Phil seems to need the money. Guessing he’s up to his old gambling problems again. And his beef with the Tour using his likeness without paying him is the real issue. No one else on the Tour seems as interested.

Guess I was wrong about that. People do have a price so they don’t have to earn their money.
I’m calling it the “retirement tour.”

Also, apparently, “feeling loved” is a very important part of the golfing world.

Those darned better golfers, not letting me win, don’t love me!!

saw that article. I know it’s an expression., but he says “he gave” half his life to playing on that tour. like he was doing them a favor I suppose.

Also Spanish, so lots of emotions in “those people.”

But I get it. He’s retiring and playing in exhibitions getting paid mainly for his appearance.

good point on the idiom and 2nd language. i should be less picky.

I’d like to respond to him with, “You want a medal, or a chest to put it on?”

Even Sports Announcers are retiring. Arlo White will no longer be doing EPL for NBC/USA, and now Feherty is rumored to be leaving NBC.

2 points:

  1. It did take people seceding to the LIV tour in order for the PGA Tour to increase purses (being reactive instead of proactive)
  2. Men’s golfers on the edge of getting their PGA Tour card should love its existence (at least internally). More likelihood of earning their card.

Golf is going to start heading the way of the WWE. I would almost guarantee there is no way a second tier player wins next week. It will go something like Cam, DJ, Bryson and Phil in a 4 way playoff.

And, if by having the PGA Tour increase purses you mean finding sponsors to spend against the Saudis, you are right. The PGA doesn’t pay the prize money. They have an organized group of competitors to compete for a minimum sponsorship amount. Some sponsors likely increased their spend at the PGA urging. I’m ok with the defections. I wasn’t a fan of the USFL either despite several stars that went there.

Feels like golf is having an Indy Car type moment. The resulting two tier system will be less watched by everyone IMO.

the indy car debacle. what an amazing gift to nascar that was.

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I kind of feel like guys like Cam Smith get a green light to go LIV when they win a Major. They have exemptions for several years in the rest of the Majors regardless of Official World Golf Ranking. They’re kind of betting on continued play to keep their exemption, but I doubt many major winners lack the confidence to bet on themselves like that.

Greg Norman is saying the Saudis offered Tiger $700-800M to join the LIV tour and he turned them down

And, he goes for the free blood money!

I’m certainly watching less golf than I normally would – I’d normally watch the Tour Championship, with not all the best players playing, what’s the point.

Another question: Seems like a TON of money has been thrown at players to join LIV. When, if ever, is the return on that investment? And, what if it is determined that it will never be returned? Golfers chopped up at embassies?
I mean, people will have to watch those tournaments, networks get their return, sponsors get their return, etc.

What this split shows me is just how much people don’t care about golf. (Assuming I’m the average casual fan, and other casual fans feel as I do.)

And now we get a little petty:

The DP World Tour has asked the LIV Golf players scheduled to compete in next month’s BMW PGA Championship to refrain from wearing LIV logos on their clothes, according to an email sent to the players from DP World Tour CEO Keith Pelley on Tuesday.

FYI: This is the Euro Tour’s “PGA” Championship.

The Wall Street Journal reported Aug. 18 that LIV Golf contracts include a stipulation that its players must wear LIV Golf-branded clothing while competing on other circuits.

Expect mutilated bodies in the aftermath.

Maybe Greg Norman and Phil Mickelson get chopped up at an Embassy.

In all honesty I think by mid year next year LIV is going to be totally off of everyone’s radar. I think the next PGA Tour Commissioner probably let’s any player who didn’t sue the Tour come back and play at some future point.

Cameron Smith:

“It’s really a shame that we are not getting world ranking points out here,” Smith said ahead of his LIV Golf debut this week outside Boston.

"To have 48 of the best guys around the world playing, and not to get world ranking points, is perhaps a little bit unfair.

“It’s still super competitive out here. I just really think it’s a little bit unfair.”

I’m betting that the rest of the golf world thinks it’s unfair that you got $150 Million for just playing golf.

LIV gets a TV deal.