Post your old ao id here

Yeah, I feel like if people were willing to tell us their AO id they would’ve just kept the same id. (Minus the spaces, of course.)

I didn’t want to out you at the time, but I’m pretty sure you were the newby asking for advice about your fiancée and baby.

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Moe Szyslak


Hfbb, NN.

Does this include alts?

I created a few alts toward the end. None were very prolific though.

yes, it includes alts! this thread is dying otherwise!

It was DOA, but you knew that.

I was DalyDragon.

I tried to be TerdAlert, but it apparently got shot down pretty quickly.


Now I don’t feel bad for mixing up those IDs. I thought I mixed them up over avatar colors or something tho.

ETA: I take that back. It was you and DyalDragon I mixed up.

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Trying to remember my alts now. The only one that comes to mind is Ron Howard Voice.

I remember TerdAlert being registered. Didn’t know who that was.

I thought Ron Howard Voice was someone else until you told me it was you, and then I kept forgetting thinking it was still that other person.

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54 posts and counting and some of them arent even by me!

It was done in response to NeardAlert’s “complaint” that no one has tried to clone her ID.

It was also in the context where Terd Ferguson was discussing something (which I forget) in that same thread.

(And yes, I was intentional in my spelling in the first sentence. :stuck_out_tongue: )


Oh. Pepperidge Farm. Never got a chance to really flex that one though.

I loved posts by that ID! The setup was always perfect.

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let’s see if I can remember. Chronological order:

Nutty Buddy
Fatty McGee

I usually only posted as one at a time, then when that played out I moved to a new one.

edit: only posting because I’m waiting for a run to finish and this was one of the “suggested topics”. now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

maizerunner (created when I thought about making a fresh start and ditching my old id)

I was Tommie Frazier

Never had an alt. Lacked the patience and commitment to the bit to have one.

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