Pork Roll

For those who don’t live in NJ (or nearby), pork roll is proof God loves us…

My wife likes taylor ham, but bacon is definitely better

I accidentally had beef bacon the other day though. Far inferior.

Actually, I call it ‘Taylor Ham’, much to my wife’s displeasure.

Do you say that to her when she’s hangry???

Asking for a friend. :popcorn:


While it’s rarely seen here, there are places you can get it.

I dispute the borderline of that taylor ham map!

Take it up with nj.com

Wow, that looks like something I’d never eat, unless it was the last thing on earth.
But, that means more for the rest of you.

The first time, it does take a leap of faith. Around here, it’s often served with and egg and cheese (with salt, pepper & ketchup)

Is it force-fed?

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An online survey with only 21 online votes cast in my county! You wait till the mail in votes finish getting counted

I just read the wikipedia page. It sounds like bologna. Literally. Does it taste different? It’s a tubesteak of mystery meat. Why should I care?

NJ aficionados will likely disagree, but yes it is similar to bologna in appearance and taste.

Yeah its really not great imo. Less healthy than ham and less tasty than bacon

It’s sounds like bologna but it has a different first name. I could care less what to call it, but not much less.

“O-S-C-A-R” ??

H8erz gonna H8